Dizzy Spells

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You were hanging out with Jayden when you had to go to the bathroom. When you got up, the room started to spin and your ears started to ring. You were standing for quite a bit. Jayden got up to see if you were okay.

“Babe you okay?”

“Ye-yea im fine, just got a little dizzy that's all.”

“Okay let me know if you need anything.”

You nodded your head carefully. You went to the bathroom as soon as the dizziness stopped. When you were done in the bathroom, you went back to Jayden who was sitting on the couch. You sat next to him and rested your head on his shoulder.

“You okay babe?”

“Yea just don't feel the best right now.”

Jayden nodded his head then put his hand in your hair and played with it. You then fell asleep trying not to get dizzy again. 

*Time Skip*

It was now time for supper. You and Jayden were still in the living room cuddling. He woke you up by stroking your face with his hand.

“Baby, it's time for dinner.”


You said then yawning. You got up and stood up. You then got up like normal, but then when you arrived at the kitchen, a dizzy spell came over you. You stopped where you were. Your ears started to ring again and your head started to become dizzy like earlier. Kevin noticed you standing in the entry.

“Y/N, you okay over there?”

You didn't answer him, you just stood still. Jayden turned around and saw you standing there rocking back and forth. He came over to you and put his hand on your back. When he did that, you got out of the dizzy spell. You looked at him and saw him with a worried look.

“Babe something isn't right with you. This is the second time in the last hour.”

“Jayden I'm fine, it's nothing.”

You started to walk when your legs gave out. You almost fell to the floor when Jayden caught you. You leaned on him all you can. Your head started to spin again. Your ears started to ring a lot louder and your pupils started to get big.

“Y/N, can you hear me?”

You heard that very slightly over the ringing. You gave him a slight nod. He looked at the others and then picked you up carefully. He took you to your room. He laid you down on your bed. 

“Y/N, I think you're dehydrated.”

You nodded your head because you didn't know what to say. Jayden then left the room to get you a cup of water. About 5 minutes later, he arrived with a cup of water and a straw. You started to get up when your head started to spin again. Jayden rushed over and put the cup on your nightstand. He picked you up carefully to where you were sitting up. After he set you down, he sat next to you with the water in his hand. You looked at the water wanting to drink it. You grabbed the water and held the straw to your mouth. You then drank the water. It felt so good. As soon as you were done drinking the water, you felt so much better. 

“Hey your color is coming back, you looked really pale earlier.” said Jayden.

“Yea i think i just needed some water.”

When you were done drinking your water, you put the cup on your nightstand. You scooted down to where you were laying down. You looked at Jayden and opened your arms. He crawled onto your bed and into your arms.

“I'm so glad you're feeling better babe, I was worried.”

“Me too, i was scared.”

“Well now you're feeling better, that's the only thing that matters.”

You smiled at him and gave him a kiss on the lips.

“I love you so much Jayden.”

“I love you too.”

He then rested his head on your chest. He fell asleep in no time. You closed your eyes with the man of your dreams in your arms.

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