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You and everyone were fighting a monster named Poisonlicious. The monster's plan was to poison the red ranger. Everyone was down on the ground defeated in their regular clothes but Jayden was still up and fighting the monster. You looked up from the ground and saw Jayden on the ground. Just then the monster said...

"Ready to be poisoned red ranger."

Jayden looked up in defeat. He was ready to be poisoned. You got up and ran in front of Jayden. Jayden was waiting for the impact but he never got it. He looked up and saw you taking the blast for him. You could feel your body getting weak already.

"No how could you, that was meant for the red ranger!" yelled the monster.

Just then the monster disappeared. You felt your body become weak. You fell backwards into Jayden. He caught you and held you close. You started to cough and turn white as a piece of paper.

"Come on Y/N, stay with me." Jayden said.

Just then the others came up to you and Jayden. When they saw you pale as a piece of paper, Emily and Mia started to cry. The boys gave them comfort. Your ears then started to ring. You carefully brought your hand up to Jayden's arm to know if he was there. He was there and it made you so happy.

"Y/N, I need you to stay awake. I know its hard but please stay awake for me please."

You nodded your head yes slowly because if you did it too much, you never know what would happen. Jayden then carefully picked you up in his arms.

*Time Skip*

You were at the house on your bed with a blanket on you and a trash can next to you. Jayden was with you the whole time keeping an eye on you. You were asleep the whole time when you got home.

"You guys, Poisonlicious is back." said Mentor Ji.

"Okay you guys go and i'll stay back with Y/N." said Jayden

"No Jayden you need to go, you're the leader. I will be here with Y/N. You need to defeat that monster for the antidote. By the looks of it, she doesn't have that much time left." said Mentor Ji.

"Okay i'll go, but please look after her." said Jayden.

"Will do." Mentor Ji said while putting his hand on Jaydens shoulder.

Jayden then left with the others to do defeat Poisonlicious.

*Time Skip*

They beat Poisonlicious once and for all and have the antidote. They then all arrived at the house and ran to your room. They walked into your room and saw Mentor Ji putting a rag on your forehead. He turned his head and saw Jayden holding a bottle. He knew it was the antidote. He backed away from you and let Jayden take his place. Jayden woke you up to get you to drink it. You carefully opened your eyes. They were beat red and you were a lot whiter than before.

"Y/N, i'm gonna need you to drink this. It's the antidote."

"Okay." you said in a really raspy voice.

Jayden sat you up carefully and got behind you. He sat behind you so you don't use too much strength holding yourself up. He brought the bottle up to your mouth. You then drank the antidote. As soon as you drank it, you got your color back and your eyes weren't as beat red as they were before. When you were done drinking, you gasped because you could feel all your strength coming back into you. It was a relief to everyone because they were scared they were gonna lose you. You looked around and saw everyone with a worried look on their face.

"Come here you guys."

Everyone else walked over and did a big group hug around you. You guys hugged each other for quite a long time. Everyone was scared that they were going to lose you.

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