Y/N's Gone

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Jayden's POV

We were currently in battle and Crabcake was really hard. It was so hard that none of us could beat it. 

Jayden- Come on, why wont you be ended already?!

Crabcake- Because I'm a crab and impossible to get to. HAHAHA

I am on my last straw with this guy when all of a sudden everyone gets blasted back and demorpghed. We all groan and look up to see Crabcake more energized then what he was before. He looked down at me but not the others. This can't be good.

Crabcake- Well this battle was very easy and a piece of cake! Time to end you red ranger!

He was getting energized to defeat me. There was nothing i could do. I was defeated. He was about to end me when i see a person in front of me. 

Crabcake- AHHHHHHHH!

Crabcake is hitting Y/N! 

Everyone- NO!

Y/N groans in front of me and I could tell she was in pain. Crabcake then finished his business then left. I grab Y/N who's going to fall over.

Jayden- Y/N, stay with me please. Stay with me.

Y/N- Jayden... its... time...

Jayden- Y/N, no please stay I can't lose you... I love you.

She then started to shut her eyes. She then went limb in my arms...

She was gone.

I couldn't believe that she was gone. Life is going to be so different now without her here.

Kevin- Come on Jayden, let's go home.

I open my eyes and see she's gone. I got up and walked to Kevin and just cried in his arms. I don't know what I'm going to do now. It's over and I will never be able to love anyone like I did with Y/N.

Thank you @nothinghere7777 for this idea!!

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