Water Fight

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It was really hot today. Everyone is in the living room tryin to stay cool. 

“Hey, what do you guys say about having some fun with water?” said Mike.

“Sounds fun, it's definitely going to cool all of us down.” you said.

Everyone got up and went outside to get some water buckets ready. You went to the garage to get some water balloons. After you grabbed the balloons, you went outside to where everyone was. You setted them up to the hose and turned the water on. You did that to like 15 packs of water balloons. You had a bunch of water balloons.

“Okay, balloons, are done. Everyone, gather around the cooler.” you said.

Everyone got around the cooler and started glare at each other.

“GO!” yelled Mentor Ji.

Everyone ran to the cooler to get the balloons.

*Time Skip*

After a while, there were only a few balloons left and everyone was soaking wet. You decide to go grab the last few and throw them at everyone. You laughed as one balloon hit Antonio in the face. He overreact and fell over.

“Okay, I think that's enough for today.” said Jayden.

Jayden came up behind you and picked you up from behind. You screamed because he scared you. He brought you inside and threw you on his bed. You sat up and watched as he took his shirt off. You could see his rock hard abs. When he took his shirt off, he threw it on the floor. He crawled into bed with you and laid on top of you.

“I love you so much princess.”

“I love you too Jayden.”

You and him then gave each other a kiss and cuddled up to eachother and called it a night. 

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