The Truth

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I can't believe I've been doing this for almost my entire life. But I'm only doing it to keep myself alive.

Master Xandred- Do you have any new information for me?

Y/N- No I do not, there hasn't been anything new for about a week now.

Master Xandred- Well do better and find something! And if you don't, you know what happens! Now leave before I switch my mind!

Y/N- Yes Master.

I then the base where I meet him and go to the hose where we all live. When I walk in, everyone gave me a weird look.

Mia- Where were you Y/N?

Y/N- Oh, I was, uh, on a walk. Needed some fresh air.

Mia- Okay?

Mia sounded confused and not convinced. Just then the monster alarm went off.

Jayden- Let's go.

Hopefully, the monster isn't who I think it is. When we arrived, it was him, Master Xandred.

Master Xandred- Well, well, well, what do we have here? Some power rangers. Well, I got some tea for you.

Kevin- We don't want to hear it!

Master Xandred- Oh I think you do. I think the white ranger has something to tell you.

(You are the white ranger)

Jayden- Y/N, what is he talking about?

You just stay silent.

Master Xandred- Well I guess since she isn't saying anything, ill say it. She's my secret agent! She has been working with me her entire life and has told me everything about you guys! HAHA!

Mia- Y/N, why did you do that?! We trusted you!

Y/N- I-I can explain.

Jayden- Enough of this for now, we got some business to finish.

Master Xandred- No you don't cause I'm leaving. See ya!

He then vanishes. Everyone then turned around and looked at me.

Jayden- Let's go home. We can talk about this there. Wait till Mentor Ji hears about this.

It was awkward on the walk back home. No one was talking, then we arrived back home.

Mentor Ji- What's going on, why is everyone so quiet?

Jayden- Turns out Y/N is a secret agent for Master Xandred.

Y/N- Jayden, I didn't have a choice!

Jayden- Yes you did! It's not that hard to choose the right decision!

Y/N- Jayden, I was 6 when I hade to make this decision!

Jayden- Y/N no one cares that you chose the bad decision! You are putting our teams life in danger because of a stupid mistake you made 11 years ago!

At this point, I had tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't know what to say at this point.

Y/N- Fine! I will leave if that makes you all happy so you don't have to deal with me anymore!

Jayden- Good go ahead! No one wants you here anyways!

When he said that last part, I was completely done. I just ran out of the house and went somewhere where I couldn't be found.

Jayden’s POV

At this point, I didn't care if the others saw me this mad, I was furious!

Mentor Ji- What is wrong with all of you guys?! Not a single one of you stuck up for her! None of you know what she went through! I am the only person who knows that she was his secret agent!

Kevin- Why is she even his secret agent?

Mentor Ji- When she was 6, Master Xandred threatened her that she either had to be his secret agent or be his slave and do whatever he says and suffer the impossible.

Jayden- But still, she could have told us about this sooner than later!

Mentor Ji- Enough with the attitude Jayden!! I'm sick of tired of you making a big deal out of it when it was her only two options when she was 6 years old! She made the right decision, and if she didn't, none of you guys would have met her or known her! She is part of your guys' family whether you like it or not! Now go find Y/N this instant!

After he stormed off, we all looked at each other and went to go look for Y/N.


I ran to the beach. It was my favorite spot to calm down. Now that they all know, they might make fun of me. They dont even know why. But when Jayden was yelling at me, I started to get scared. I had never seen him that mad before. I walked to the water but didn't go near it. I was maybe 10 feet away from it. I sat down and pulled my knees up to my chest and put my arms on my knees. I then rested my head on my arms and listened to the waves crashing on the sand.

Jayden’s POV

Emily- We looked everywhere and can't find her. Where could she be?

The guys- I dont know.

Kevin- Plus it's getting late.

Mia- Wait, you guys, the beach! That is her favorite place to go to when she is sad! The waves calm her down.

Antonio- Then what are we doing here?! Let's go get her!

We all ran to the beach. When we got there we saw Y/N.

Everyone- Y/N!


I heard my name being called from the distance. I just let it be because it was probably the others. They then kept yelling my name. I just stayed still and didn't move. I then could hear a bunch of stomping behind me. The next thing I know is that everyone is kneeling beside me.

Jayden- Y/N-

Y/N- Don't talk to me!

Emily- Y/N, we all know. Mentor Ji told us.

I then lifted my head and looked at everyone. My cheeks were stained with tears, my eyes were red, and my cheeks were puffy.

Jayden- Y/N, I did not mean to yell at you. I just didn't know what to do, but when I found out I was pissed. But I am truly really sorry and I hope that it doesn't ruin our friendship.

I just sit there and be quiet.

Mia- Y/N, please.

Y/N- It's okay, I forgive you all. I should have said something from the start but I was scared that you guys would make fun of me and not want to be my friends and family anymore.

Emily- Y/N we will always be your family through thick and thin.

I got up and brought everyone into a group hug. Just then there was a big bang on the beach. We all pulled apart and saw Master Xandred.

Master Xandred- Well, well, looks like we got a reunion going on. Oh well, say good bye rangers!

We all morphed and fought him.

All- Final strike!!

We did it. We defeated Master Xandred. We all demorphed. I fell to my knees and started crying. Jayden then came up to me

Jayden- It's okay. You're free now, you're free.

Just being in Jayden's arms, made me so happy.

Mike- Come on you guys let's go home.

We then left the beach and got home. Mentor Ji smiled when he saw all of us smiling and not angry at each other.

I am so glad I am free. I can finally not have to worry about telling Master Xandred secrets. I can finally live my life with my wonderful family.

Thank you @LovelyHannahxWanda for the idea!! <3

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