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I was laying in Jayden’s bed because his bed is more comfy. I think I might just switch my bed with his and see if he notices. My stomach hurts so bad but they don't hurt when I lay on his bed. Im about to close my eyes when I hear the door open. I turn my head and see Jayden coming in and coming over to me.

Jayden- Hey honey how you doing?

He says that while crawling into bed.

Y/N- Im doing okay, my stomach is just bothering me. I think I ate something.

Jayden- Well I think my cuddles will make you feel better cause I know that those always work.

I giggle at that and crawl into Jayden’s arms. When my head hit his chest I was out like a light.

*Time Skip*

Jayden’s POV

I was cuddling with the love of my life. She was so perfect, I know she's the one. We were cuddling and she started to shift to get comfier. When she turned over, I saw blood on her. I shook her slowly so she didn't get startled.


I was in a good slumber when I felt Jayden start to wake me up. I lift my head and look at him.

Y/N- What's wrong, Jayden?

Jayden- I think you got your period princess.

When he said that, I threw myself out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I felt so embarrassed that I locked the door and started crying. The next thing I know there is a knock on the door.

Jayden- Y/N, can you unlock the door, please?

I got up and unlocked the door then sat back down. Jayden then comes in and sits next to me on the floor.

Jayden- Princess, it's okay, it was an accident. I'm not mad at you, I will never get mad at you.

Y/N- But I feel bad because I probably got some on the bed or even you.

At this point my eyes were red and my cheeks were stained.

Jayden- Y/N, sweetheart, you didn't get any on the bed or me. How about this, you get cleaned up and we can cuddle after that, how does that sound?

I nodded my head. Jayden then stands up and pulls me up with him. He looked down at me and cupped my face in his hands. He then starts to rub his thumb over my cheek.

Jayden- Im not mad, I will never be. Everything will be okay.

I nodded my head. He then leaned down and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled. He then left and I got cleaned up. After I cleaned up, I came out and crawled next to Jayden who was laying on his bed.

Jayden- Now, how about we get back to cuddling?

I nodded my head and cuddled to Jayden as close as I can. Now we are cuddling and sleeping in each other's arms. I love this boy very much.

Thank you @LexiZayn for the wonderful idea!

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