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Everyone was hanging out in the living room when all of a sudden the monster alarm went off. Everyone ran out of the house and went to defeat the monster.

*Time Skip*

Its taking a while to defeat this monster. The monster hasn't said its name so you don't know what the monster will do. You told everyone to keep him distracted while you sneak up behind him and stop this battle once and for all. You crept to an area where the monster couldn't see you. 

“Hey Monster over here!” yelled Jayden.

When he said that you started to sneak up behind him but you didn't know that the monster had eyes in the back of his head. 

“Well look who's in for a treat because I have a special treat for you.”

“Oh really what's that?” asked Kevin.


The monster turns around and puts his weapon up to your stomach. You groan in so much pain because you feel sick to your stomach.

“NOO!” yelled Jayden.”

You fall to the ground demorphed and holding your stomach.

“If you want the antidote, battle me for it. Noon sharp tomorrow. And she only has 24 hours left to live and gets weaker by the hour so have fun!” said the monster.

He teleported away. Jayden and everyone ran over to you. Jayden goes to the ground and carefully picks you up. When he picked you up, it hurt because your body was in pain. 

“Hey its okay,  I got you.” said Jayden.

“We should get her back to the base before it starts getting worse.” said Mike.

Jayden carefully picked you up and took you to the house.

*Time Skip*

It was the next day and you are so weak, you could barely breathe. It was almost noon and you could feel yourself slipping away. You only had a couple more hours left to live. Jayden was by your side the whole time holding your hand.

“Its okay baby, I'm right here.”

You turned your head slowly and smiled at him with all the strength you have left. Just then the monster alarm went off. Everyone ran out to defeat the monster for the antidote. As soon as Jayden left, you broke into a coughing fit. It hurt so bad because you barely had any strength left. Menor Ji came into the living room to help stop your coughing. He gave you some water which helped a lot. He had to help you because you couldn't even hold the glass because of how weak you are. 

“Thank you.” you said in a very raspy voice.

Mentor Ji nodded his head and left. You were about to close your eyes so you could take a nap but everyone came rushing in. You turned your head slowly and saw Mia holding a bottle. Jayden came over to you and picked your head up carefully to where you would be laying in his chest. Mia handed Jayden the bottle. Jayden opened the bottle and threw the cap to who knows where. Jayden put the antidote up to your mouth. You slowly drank the antidote. You could feel all your strength coming back. When you were done, you pulled away and leaned back to catch your breath. Mia took the bottle from Jayden. You looked at everyone and gave them a big smile.

“I'm back and better than ever.” you said.

Everyone cheered and gave you a hug. As soon as everyone gave you a hug, they left. You and Jayden were the only ones in the living room. 

“It's so good to have you back baby, I was worried that I was going to lose you.” said Jayden.

“Don't worry, cant get rid of me that easily.” you said then giving Jayden a kiss on the lips. You pulled away and cuddled up to Jayden. You guys cuddled like there was no tomorrow.

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