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It was Christmas Eve. The house was decorated with decorations all over the house. Even your room was decorated for christmas. You had a small tree in your room with presents for everyone. You just finished wrapping the final present for Jayden when he walked in.

"Hey baby, what you up to?" asked Jayden.

"Just finished wrapping your final present." you said while putting it under your tree.

"Well what did you get me?"

"I ain't telling you. You're gonna have to wait till tomorrow."

"Ughhh fine." said Jayden.

You and him then hugged each other so tight. You looked up at him. He looked down at you and gave you a kiss on the nose. You smile at how cute he is.

"Wanna watch a Christmas movie with the others?" asked Jayden.


You and him then left your room holding hands and walked to where everyone else was. Turns out everyone was in the living room.

"Hey, what do you guys say about watching a Christmas movie tonight?" asked Jayden.

"That sounds like fun. I will go get the popcorn ready." said Emily.

She got up and went to the kitchen to cook some popcorn. Everyone else got up and went to their room to change into their christmas pajamas. They came back and sat down on the couch. You and Jayden were sitting on a love cushion with your favorite knot blanket and fuzzy blanket. You got up and went to get a couple christmas movies. You picked out the Grinch, Home Alone, and Frosty the Snowman.

"Okay what movie do you guys wanna watch first?" you asked.

"HOME ALONE!" yelled everyone.

You laughed at everyone. You put the movie in the player and turned the tv on and put it on movie mode. After you pressed play, you put the remote down on the table and crawled into the cushion with Jayden and got under the covers. When you got settled, you rested your head on his chest and rested your hand on stomach under his shirt. You snuggled close to him.

*Time Skip*

Everyone decided to watch the rest of the Home Alone movies. You were out like a light during the second one and so was Jayden. You guys were so cute. Antonio got up and took a picture of you guys. He sent it to you and Jayden. They turned the tv off and went to their room to call it a night.

*Time Skip*

It was Christmas day. You woke up not realizing you were still in the living room. You moved a little and saw Jayden awake on his phone. When he felt you move, he looked down at you.

"Good morning princess, Merry Christmas."

"Good morning to you to babe. And Merry Christmas to you too."

"Wanna see what Antonio texted me last night?"


He handed you his phone and you saw the picture he sent him.

He handed you his phone and you saw the picture he sent him

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"Thats a really cute picture of us Jayden."

"Yea it is."

You and him then got up for the day. You and him went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. When you got there, everyone else was there.

"Good morning you two." said Kevin.

"Morning." said Jayden.

"I ordered breakfast for everyone, then after we are done eating, how about we open up some presents?" Mike

"That sounds good." you said.


"Food must be here, I'll go get it." said MIke

He then left and you and Jayden took a seat at the table. Mike then came back with 3 bags of food. He put it on the table and everyone digged in.

*Time Skip*

Everyone was done opening their presents. You had one more present and that was for Jayden.

"Alright I think that is everything." said Emily.

"Actually, I have more gift. Be right back." you said.

You got up and went to your room to get the gift for Jayden. You came back and sat back down. After you sat down, you put the gift in Jayden's lap. He gave you a weird look. He then started to open the gift. After he got the wrapping paper off, he ripped the box open. He ended up ripping the box. It was really funny. When he saw your gift, his mouth dropped.

"Babe really, you didn't have to." asked Jayden.

" asked Jayden

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"Yes I did. It took quite a while to get here and when I first saw something like this, I knew you were going to like it."

"I don't like it, I love it so much. Thank you baby." He then gave you a kiss on your forehead.

You smiled at how happy Jayden was.

"Merry Christmas everyone." said Jayden.

"Merry christmas." everyone said back.

Everyone then got up to take their new things to their room. You and Jayden stayed behind.

"Thank you so much princess, I love this."

"I knew you would Jayden."

You and him hugged and watched the grinch movie cuddled up to one another loving each other very much.

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