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You were sitting on the couch in the lounge with Jayden when Mike asked…

“Hey Y/N, can I ask you something in private?”


You followed Mike to his room. He opened the door for you so he was the last one in. When you were in his room, he closed the door behind him. You turned around and looked at him weird. The next thing you know is Mike kissing you.

“Mike stop.”

“Never, I know you want this.”

He keeps kissing you and starts to touch you. You start to cry because you are absolutely scared. Just then the door opens. Mike throws you off of him onto the floor.

“What is going on in here?!” yelled Jayden.

“Jayden it's not what it looks like. She threw herself on me.”

“Y/N, is that true!”

“No it's not he forced himself on me. I would never do something like that to you.”

“You know what, fine. Mike, I believe you.”

“What?” you said quietly.

“Y/N, get out. I can't talk to you right now.”

“Okay.” you said really quietly.

You left the room with tears streaming down your face. You went outside to get some fresh air even though it was raining out. You closed the door and sat down on the porch. You started to cry a lot more. Tears were running down your face. You couldn't believe your own boyfriend believed his friend over his own girlfriend. You were crying for quite a while when you heard the door behind you open. You turned your head and saw that it was Mia. She came outside and closed the door behind her. She stood close to the door so she wouldn't get wet. It was quiet for a minute when she said…

“Y/N, what's wrong?”

“Jayden thinks I kissed Mike when he kissed me. I told him to stop but he didn't.”

You started to cry again because you couldn't believe that happened. 

“Okay let's go inside before you get sick.”

You nodded your head and stood up. You crossed your arms over your chest and went inside. Jayden and Mike were in the living room laughing having a fun bro moment when you and Mia walked in. Seeing you completely wet from the rain. When you were walking to the kitchen with Mia, you and Jayden locked eyes. You could tell he could see the hurt in your eyes. You and Mia went to the kitchen because that's where everyone else was. When you arrived at the kitchen, you sat down at a barstool at the island. You put your head down and started to cry again. 

“You wanna talk about it?” asked Mia.

You lifted your head. Your eyes were really red and puffy. 

“I can't do this anymore.”

You ran out of the kitchen. You didn't realize you ran through the living room because Jayden and Mike were both looking at you. They looked at each other confused then continued to talk. You got to your room and shut your door and locked it. After you locked it, you ran to your bed and flopped down crying your eyes out. 

*Time Skip*

You haven't left your room for days and the others are getting worried. You decide to go out and get some water to drink. You walked out of your room and your hair was messy, eyes were red, bags under your eye, and your cheeks were stained with tears. You haven't slept since the day Mike kissed you. You arrived at the kitchen and everyone was there. They all looked at you. You got water from the fridge and sat down at the counter. When you sat down, everyone stopped looking at you and went back to what they were doing. Mentor Ji came in and told everyone to go train. He gave Jayden a look to talk to you. He understood and stayed back while the others left. He came up to you and asked…

“Hey can we talk?”

“Uh sure i guess.”

“Okay so the day Mike kissed you, I ran the tapes in the hallway and turned the volume on to listen. I heard you say stop. I know I put you in a lot of pain but please forgive me.” Jayden said with tears in his eyes.

“I forgive you Jayden, I really do.” You said while cupping his head in your hands and rubbing his cheek with your thumb.

Jayden brought you into a hug and you guys hugged for quite a while. Kevin came in and was gonna ask if you and Jayden were gonna come out and train but he saw you guys hugged and didn't want to disturb anything. You guys broke apart and went outside to train. Mike came up to your both and said…

“Look, I'm really sorry about what I did a couple days ago. I didn't want to lose my friendship with Jayden and i didnt think what would happen to you. I'm really sorry. I hope you forgive me.”

“I forgive you Mike.” you said.

“Me too.” said Jayden.

You guys did a big group hug and went to train. You guys trained for pretty much the whole day. After you were done training, you and Jayden cuddled to make up for the time you guys lost. 

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