Memory Loss

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You and the team were fighting a monster called Memoss. The monster erases memories. You forget everything in your life. Before he disappeared, he said…

“Be right baaack.” said Memoss.

Everyone gathers around each other. 

“He could come back any minute, we have to be carefull.” said Emily.

“Yea we gotta be-” Mike said before he got cut off by yelling.

They all turned their heads and saw you in the arms of Memoss. With you struggling to free yourself, the others came closer. 

“One more step and the girl gets it.” said Memoss.

Everyone stopped moving. They all looked at each other.

“Oh well, come here my sweet memories!” yelled Memoss.

He put his weapon up to your head and it started to collect all your memories. The light was bright in your eyes. You could feel all your memories going away. 

“Mmm, these were delicious. See y'all later.” said Memoss.

He then disappeared one last time. The others ran over to you. Jayden came up to you and helped you up. 

“Y/N, you okay?”

“Wh-who are you?” 

“It's me, Jayden, your boyfriend.”

“I'm sorry, but I don't have a boyfriend.” You then took yourself out of Jaydens arms.

You looked at the others who were there also.

“What am I doing here and who are you guys?”

 “Y/N, you are a power ranger. You got your memories taken and we are your best friends. Jayden is your boyfriend. You guys have been dating for 2 years now.” said Mia.

You looked at Jayden with a weird look on your face.

“I'm sorry you must be mistaking me for someone else.”

“No, we're not. You're part of our family.” said Kevin.

“I'm sorry, but this can't be true.”

“Okay if you don't believe us, then we will show you some memories.” said Emily

Mia ran to the bookshelf in her room and grabbed a memory book. She came back and took you to the couch. You and her sat down and everyone gathered around you. Mia opened the book and you saw a bunch of photos of you. You don't believe that it was you but it looked like you.

“I'm sorry but yea that's me, but I never did that.”

“Y/N, yes you did.” said Kevin.

Just then the monster alarm went off. 

“Guys we gotta go.” said Jayden.

Everyone nodded and left. Mia stayed back and told you…

“Keep going through this book and see if your memories will come back.”

She got up really fast and left before you could say anything. You kept flipping through the book. Everything in that book was not coming back to you. You started to get really frustrated. You left the living room and went into a room. It was red. It was Jayden's room but you didn't know that. When you opened his door, your breathing started to pick up and your ears started to ring. You tried to calm down but it wasn't working. The next thing you know is you fall down and everything goes black. 

*Time Skip*


Everyone has just defeated the monster and they saw a bunch of memories fly all over the place to get to their rightful owner. They all looked at each other when Jayden said…

“Let's go back home and see if she gained her memories back.”

Everyone ran back to the house. They ran inside and saw the memory book on the couch. They looked at each other and split up to find you. Jayden went to his room because he was stressed that he was going to lose you. He saw his door opened, but he knew he closed it. He walked into his room and saw you laying on the floor passed out. He ran over and picked you up. He yelled for the others to tell them that he found you. The others came in and saw you passed out. 

“Antonio, go get a wet rang please.”

“On it.”

He ran out to get the rag. Jayden put you on his bed. He layed you down carefully. He heard Antonio come back in with the rag. Antonio handed the rag to Jayden. Jayden put the rag on your forehead. As soon as he did that, he heard you groan. You opened your eyes slowly and saw the others all around you. 

“Jayden what's the matter, and why is everyone around me?”

“Oh my god thank god your back!”

Jayden gave you a big hug. He was happy to have his baby back.

“It's so good to have you back Y/N.” said Kevin.

“It's good to be back, I missed you guys.”

Everyone crowded around you and did a big group hug.

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