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You were training with Jayden and everyone outside when all of a sudden your stomach started to turn. You stopped all of sudden. You leaned over and held your stomach. Jayden walked over and put his hand on your back.

"Hey you okay?" asked Jayden.

You shook your head no. You started to cry because your stomach started to hurt a lot more. Everyone stopped training and walked over to you to see what was wrong.

"Y/N, you okay?" asked Emily.

You shook your head no. You slowly started to lean back up when you felt stuff come into your throat. You ran through everyone and went to the bathroom. Jayden was right behind you. When you arrived at the bathroom, you opened the toilet seat and threw up everything you had. Jayden came in and sat behind you. He held your hair and rubbed your back.

"It's okay Y/N, I'm right here."

You threw up one last time. You then leaned back into Jayden's chest. He rubbed your shoulders to comfort you.

"Do you think you'll be able to go to my room?"

You nodded your head yes and slowly got up. You waited for Jayden to get up to walk to his room. You then walked to his room. When you arrived at his room, you walked over to his bed and layed down. Jayden sat next to you and rubbed your back.

"Do you wanna get changed into some comfy clothes princess?"

You nodded your head yes and got up. Jayden went to his closet and got you a sweatshirt and some sweats. He came back and handed the clothes to you. You took the clothes to the bathroom to change. When you were done changing, you came out and laid back on his bed. Jayden then covered you up and gave you a kiss on your forehead. You smiled. He left his room to let you sleep.


Jayden left his room and went to the kitchen where everyone was. They all saw him come.

"How's Y/N?" asked Kevin

"She's good. Just a little stomach bug but she will be better before we know it."

"That's good." said Antonio.

Jayden nodded his head and left the kitchen to go back to his room. He came back and saw you asleep. You were so cute asleep. Like a little baby. He crawled into bed with you and gave you another kiss on the forehead. He cuddled up to you to make sure you were safe in his arms.

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