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Jayden's POV

Months ago, me and Y/N used to date. But she then died unexpectedly, and no one knows why or how. I miss her everyday. She was my world and I miss her dearly. I just wish that she was here right now. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the monster alarm went off. Everyone ran out of the house and ran towards where the monster was located at. After we got to there the monster was at, we all stopped in our tracks when we saw someone standing next to a monster named Inktom. When the person turned around we all dropped our draws. It was Y/N!

Jayden- Y/N! It's me, Jayden!

Everyone got the same idea and tried to talk to Y/N. But for some reason she wasn't responding. 

Inktom- Y/N, ATTACK THEM!!!!

Y/N then ran towards us with the face we all thought we would never see. Her being controlled. We know what controlled looks like cause almost all of us have been controlled. We tried attacking her but she is to powerful for any of us to handle right now. 

After fighting her for a little bit, we all see that Inktom disappeared. Guessing he went back to the ship but Y/N stayed back on earth. 

Y/N- Time to end this world once and for all!

She turned around and started to leave but i went up to stop her. I touched her on the shoulder and she hit me so hard i flew backwards. But don't worry, my friends got my back and caught me before i got hurt. 

Y/N- Ill be back for you later.

She said with a smirk on her face then teleported into thin air.

We all got up and went back to the base. When we got back to the base, we told Master Ji about everything that just has happened. When we told him that Y/N isn't dead, he didn't believe us for a second but he knows that he can trust us and ended up believing us. Master Ji was shocked because he thought that his niece was dead all this time. After we told Ji, i went to my room and locked the door. I then let all the tears come out. I missed her so much and this is how she came back to us. Evil and working for Master Xandred.

Just then the gap sensor went off again. I quickly wipe my tears and get with the others before we head right to battle.

We got to the spot where the senor told us to and guess who it was?

It was Y/N and Master Xandred!

Master Xandred- Good luck getting her to remember any of you because she is long gone and will never be the same! HAHAHA!(his evil laugh)

He disappears back to the ship. We then all charged at Y/N and she knocked the others out first but left me all to her self. I charged at her to get her to come back but she wouldn't. I then ended up getting demorphed from how powerful her attack was. I was about to get up when the others run to my side again. They were protecting me.

Jayden- Guys, don't protect me, this is my own battle. 

Mike- To late.

He punches her in the face.

Everyone- Mike!

Mike- What! No one else was gonna do it.

We all gave him a "are you serious face."

I got up and carried Y/N back to house to see Master Ji to see what he wants to do. When we got to the house Master Ji, couldn't believe that his niece came back like this. He was in tears and just wanted his only niece back. 

Master Ji- Okay for our safety, lets tie her up into a chair and wait until she wakes up.

We all nodded and tied her to a chair. After a little while, she woke up and decided to try to break free. She was hollering and trying to kick but the kicking wasn't working. 

I could tell that the others were getting annoyed with her screaming because they left and they also looked annoyed as well. 

Jayden- Y/N, I know your in there, but deep down I know you still love me and love everyone. I know you aren't evil. You are a really sweet girl who loves everything and everyone you meet.

*Time Skip*

After a while nothing was working to bring Y/N back. I tried to show her some pictures but those wouldn't work either. So I only had one last option. And that was to kiss her. 

I grabbed her face to hold it still and kissed her. I pulled her in and kissed her on the lips. I then pull away and see her beautiful eyes back to normal.

Y/N- Jayden? Jayden!

I was so happy she is back to normal and back in my life. I don't know what it would be like if she wasn't in it. 

Thank you @hannaholsen-sangsterfpr this wonderful idea!! <3

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