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Today is a very special day. It's your birthday and you are really excited. You hopped out of bed and got dressed. You ran out of your room to go see the others. You arrived at the kitchen where everyone was. You saw them and they all smiled at you. You smiled at everyone and ran up to Jayden. You gave him a hug. A really tight one.

“Good morning to you sunshine. Why are you all happy today?”

“Well today is a very special day.”

“What's today?” asked Jayden.

“Oh you don't know?”

“No I don't, what's special about today?”

“It's nothing, just forget about it.”

Jayden gave you a hug before you left to go to your room. As soon as you were out of sight of everyone, you ran outside because you couldn't believe Jayden doesn't know that today is your birthday. You ran for a really long time and ended at the beach. You arrived at the beach and sat on a rock. You cried your eyes out because you were sad that no one knew it was your birthday. You were crying for about 10 minutes when you heard someone behind you, you turned your head and saw no one there. You thought it was nothing and turned back around. When you turned around, you saw this monster with a cake on his face. Before you could react or do anything, the monster shot something at you and it hit your mouth, you were groaning because it hurt so bad. The monster was about to hit you one more time, but all of a sudden you saw the monster being shot back. You knew it was your friends. You slowly turned your head and saw them in uniform shooting at the monster. Jayden ran over to you and helped you.

“Thank yo-”

You were cut off by your teeth glowing purple. It hurt so bad. You grabbed your mouth. Jayden wrapped his arms around you to help you stay up.

“Yes, it's working.” said the monster.

“Who are you and what have you done to Y/N?” asked Kevin.

“I am cakealicious and I put a bunch of stinging cavities in your friends mouth. And with the press of this button, she will be in pain from the cavities.”

He pressed the button and you yelled in pain again. 

“You're okay Y/N, I got you.” said Jayden.

You looked at Jayden with teary eyes.

“See you rangers later.”

The monster disappeared. Everyone ran over to you to see if you were okay. You were in tears because it was really painful. 

“Let's get her back to the house before anything else happens.” said Mike.

Everyone nodded and went back to the house.

*Time Skip*

You were laying on the couch with your head in Jayden’s lap. You had an ice pack on both sides of your face to see if it would help. You got the stinging again and it was terrible this time. You were a groaning mess. Jayden would run his fingers through your hair to help with the pain. Just then the monster alarm went off. Everyone knew it was cakealicious. 

“Time to go debate the cake butt one last time.” said Emily.

Everyone ran to the scene to stop the monster. You stayed back and to rest. 

*Time Skip*

Everyone was back and your mouth pain was gone. You were so happy, but sad that everyone forgot your birthday. You were outside getting some fresh air when Mia came outside.

“Hey Y/N, can you come here and help me real quick.” asked Mia.

“Yes of course.”

You came inside with Mia and followed her to the kitchen. When you got there, you saw everyone standing there with birthday decorations everywhere.

“What's going on?”

“Y/N, did you really think we would forget your birthday?” said Kevin

“Maybe but you didn't have to do this.”

“Yes we did because you are really special to us.” said Mike

“Now let's celebrate this special day.” said Jayden. 

You gave Jayden a hug and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Everyone got a piece of cake and digged it. You got a piece and crept up behind Jayden to put cake in his face. You got behind him and smashed cake in his face. Everyone started laughing their heads off. Jayden stood up and whipped the cake out of eyes. You laughed. He grabbed you by your hips and brought you close to him. He leaned down and kissed you on the lips. Everyone around you cheered. You and Jayden broke apart smiling at eachother. Today was the best birthday ever.

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