Movie Night

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Everyone was at the dinner table eating pepperoni pizza when Mentor Ji came into the kitchen.

“What do you guys say about having a movie night tonight?” said Mentor Ji.

“That sounds like fun.” said Emily.

“Go get ready and set the living room up while I get some snacks ready.” said Mentor Ji.

Everyone nodded and went to their rooms. You were in your room getting changed into some cute pajamas and put on Jayden’s hoodie. You heard a knock on the door, you went to the door and opened it. You saw Jayden standing there.

“Hey babe, looking really cute in my sweatshirt.”

“Yea its really comfy.”

“Okay well come on, everyone is waiting for you.”

“Okay, okay, I'm coming.”

Jayden grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the living room. You were laughing because Jayden was acting like a little kid. He dragged you to the couch. He sat in the corner and put his feet up. You crawled next to him and cuddled close to him.

“I forgot my blanket, be right back.” you said.

You got up and ran to your room to get your knock blanket. You grabbed your blanket and ran back to the living room to where Jayden was at. You flopped next to him and covered yourself up. When you cuddled yourself up, you put your head on Jaydens chest and wrapped your arm around him. 

“Okay is everyone ready for The Lion King?” asked Mentor Ji.

“YES!” Everyone yelled.

He pressed play and grabbed the bowl of popcorn and sat down on the floor next to Kevin, Antonio, and Mike.

*Time Skip*

It was half way through the movie when your eyes started to get heavy. You tried your hardest to keep them open but it was hard.

“Close your eyes princess. I can tell you're tired. Go to sleep.” said Jayden.

You snuggled closer to him and closed your eyes. Like a minute later, you were out like a light. Jayden played with your hair because he knows it helps you. He started to get tired also and closed his eyes. Emily looked back and saw you and Jayden asleep.

“Guys, look.” Said Emily.

Everyone looked to where she was looking and saw you and Jayden asleep. Mia got up and took her phone out. She took a picture of you guys and sent it to you. She sat back down next to Emily and continued to watch the movie.

*Time Skip*

It was nearly the end of the movie when everyone was asleep except for Antonio. He turned the tv off, covered himself with a blanket nearby and fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

You woke up before Jayden did. You grabbed your phone and saw that Mia texted you a picture. You opened it and saw that it was a cute picture.

You were still tired so you set your phone back down and fell back asleep with Jayden right next to you, the way you want it to be forever

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You were still tired so you set your phone back down and fell back asleep with Jayden right next to you, the way you want it to be forever.

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