Beach Day

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Today was everyone's day off. You guys were in the kitchen all having lunch when Kevin suddenly said…

“What do you guys think about going to the beach today since we have it off?”

“That sounds like fun Kevin.” said Mia.

“Alright, everyone go change so we can get this party on the road.” said Antonio.

Everyone left the kitchen to go change. You left the kitchen also to go change. When you got to your room, you went to your dresser and grabbed a suit that you thought you would look good in. You went to your bathroom and got changed. You looked at yourself in the mirror and didn't like the way the suit looked on you. It was a really cute swimsuit, but you didn't like yourself in it. You started to cry because everyone might judge you. All of a sudden, you heard a knock on the door. You dried your tears and opened the door. You looked up and saw Jayden. When he saw you his smile dropped.

“Baby what's the matter, why are you crying?” asked Jayden.

“Nothing, I'm fine.” 

“Y/N, your cheeks are wet with tears. What's going on, i'll listen.”

You took a deep breath.

“I look so bad in my swimming suit, like it's really cute but it doesn't look good on me because I'm not the perfect body. I feel like everyone is going to judge me.” You said while starting to cry again.

“Y/N, honey,” Jayden said while turning around so you were facing the mirror.

“I see a girl who is perfect. She doesn't need to change anything about her for anyone else. Anything will look good on you sweetheart.” said Jayden while hugging you with his hands on your stomach.

You smiled and turned around. 

“Thank you Jayden, you made me feel better.”


He gave you a quick kiss and you guys left your bathroom. You grabbed one of Jayden’s sweatshirt and got in the car everyone was taking. You and Jayden crawled into the way back where there was more space since he was so tall. When he sat down, you laid your head on his lap. He started to rub his hand through your hair. He then leaned forward and said…

“Everything will be okay, I will always be by your side.” 

He then gave you a kiss on the cheek. You moved your head to look at him and gave him a sweet smile. 

*Time Skip*

Everyone is at the beach having a good time. You were standing at the edge not wanting to get wet. Jadyen was in the water with everyone else. He saw you alone and came up to you. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss. You kissed him back. He then grabbed your hand and pulled you into the water. When he pulled you in, you smiled so hard because he was the one and only person you wanted to be with. When you were waist deep in the water, he pulled you in and hugged you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist. You and him looked into each other's eyes. You and him leaned in and kissed each other. It was so magical. All of a sudden, you and Jayden pulled apart because you and him got splashed with water. It was freezing in your opinion. You looked around and saw Mike and Kevin with buckets in their hands. You gave them a ‘are you serious’ face. They then ran away in the water laughing. You and Jayden looked at eachother again and laughed. You and him kissed while the sun was setting behind you.

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