1 . Jeon Jungkook

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Jungkook never thought this day would come in his life. The day he'll curse his job. The job he aspired the most and worked for his whole life.

Senior Intelligence officer,
Special ops ,
Anti smuggling division .

Yes... He love being a cop, he worked and sacrificed many things to be an exceptional cop and he achieved it, with great effort.

Jungkook is always competitive in whatever he does, Now in this profession he have no competition because he is the best and no one can say a word against it

He is sincere, honest and most efficient in whatever he did . No one knows how much he sacrificed.

Jungkook loves the satisfaction when he investigate a case and put the law breakers behind the bars.

No..... he is not selfless hero. He loves the power that comes with his job. The power to break influential, filthy rich and unscrupulous people by stripping all their powers only with little use of his intelligence and little field work.

He takes this as a challenge for his intelligence, the more powerful person he destroys the more satisfied he gets. But his last case changed his life upside down .

Of course as usual he won the case but in the process he lost one thing that he never thought he possessed in the first place.


Today is a special day in his family. His brother's wedding. Everyone are happy in his family. He is also happy for his brother but something is itching in his heart and it feels different. He never thought he would feel this way. These feeling are new to him

The feeling of LOVE
Only now he is acknowledging his feelings as love but he learnt its late, in the process of his learning he broke a heart and he is fully aware of that.

Where everything went wrong???

Yes!!! he did a mistake in his priorities and the time when he realised his mistake, he lost the person . His love...


And this could be the last time , he can call him 'his Tae' because he is no more his Tae. He is going to be Jungkook's brother in law Jeon Taehyung.


Only now he realised ,what he lost but it's too late for everything. There is only one to be blame it's him and his job, because this is no ones fault but his. It's a big price to pay for his precious job but he already paid now no going back

It's gone and no hope. Now he hate his precious job.

He is getting ready for his brother's marriage. He is full of regrets and anger but he cannot show his remorse because at last it is what he chose for himself.

Something stings in his heart, something urges his mind to do something but his smart brain is not providing any solutions because he himself don't know what he want to achieve.

Nobody force him to this situation. It all happened because of his ignorance, he doesn't recognise the feeling as love untill now.. He thought it's just mere attraction and like always he can overcome this attraction for his perfect job

How wrong is he !!!( he himself doesn't know the depth of his loss)

He is sitting with a smile in his face that he always pulls up for a family function ( mandatory Jeon's smile) but it's full of strom inside his head where he is searching for himself.

If only he knows what the future holds without his Tae , he would have screamed or ran with his love even at the last minute...

But he thought he could manage... Manage without his Tae. He thought like always in the past he can sacrifice his Tae

How wrong is he again!!!

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