14.Operation Fire

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After so many requests from Reena, Jungkook decided to share the information about his operation fire and his love for the flame, which burnt him later.

" Four years back when I joined the department, a case was assigned to me, it was a small time Smuggleling case.... So I thought.."

" Mr. Kim was one among them?? "

" Don't assume things....just listen to the case details Reena.. "

Both JK and Reena settled on the bed, JK shared details about Operation Fire. He never shared these with anyone before other then his department guys. Reena is a cop , so he thought there won't be any problem in sharing.

"Yes sir.... " Reena sat alert and listened to it, the case can also be a learning experience for her.

" When I was investigating their case I came to know about a big time smuggling chain and the head of the chain is VAN G, who operates from Hawaii" Jungkook continues..

" It's said that cops can't reach him, he is untouchable. I heard many rumours abou him . But couldn't find exact case file

Back then I was very competitive and hot headed guy, who wanted to know more about VanG started digging out of my own interest "

" You are still competitive, little hot headed, arrogant, self absorbent guy sir.... For your information..." Reena mumbled.

" Am I Miss Park?? " He asks with a stern look.

" Yes sir.... Only when you are not a lover boy for your cub.." She confidently answers

" I'm not lover boy, now if you interrupt.... Then I'm not going to continue "

" Sorry JK..... I won't interrupt again, please continue "

" Ok listen, it's said that no one knows VanG, only Kim Taehee knows him personally ."

" Ohhh... So, he is the one helping VanG in smuggling activities, so you chose Mr. Kim to reach VanG, right? " She carelessly said

"How did you know? Aren't you a genius??!! " Jungkook asked sarcastically..

" Yea.... I know the bits and pieces of second half of this story, so I guessed" She took pride in her smartness..
She couldn't even figure the sarcastic tone of Jungkook...

" Wow... Geneius.... never mind, it took me two years to get the details about VanG" Jungkook continues..

" Some superiors adviced me not to take this case but I have little advantage so I took this case as a challenge "

"What is your advantage, Tae?? "

"No.. I don't know about  him at that time, I know my brother is one of his partner in Kim's organization"

" My brother Jin is quite close with Kims....But I came to know Jin have no idea about him or VanG and Hawaii operations

But I get to meet Kim in person through Jin, he is a charming person. No one would believe me if I accuse him of anything illegal"  Jungkook continues..

"Even Tae doesn't know about his father and VanG,Kim is also kind and humble person, when I met him first. I would've dropped this case if I didn't found one of VanG's case file in Hawai police department database, I found a weak evidence about Taehee's friendship with VanG"

" Later I digged deep for strong evidence, I couldn't get my hands on anything,. He is so powerful beyond my imagination. We couldn't even touch his security guard legally "

" We guessed all the evidence is in Hawaii, as VanG is operating from Hawaii, Tahee will spend every vacation in Hawaii, sometimes he will take his son along with him. He won't let anyone other than Jin and his son to be close with him. I found Jin knows nothing about Hawaii vacation house as he didn't visit it"

" That's when I came to know about Tae, I digged about Kim Taehyung , only son of Kim Taehee and his only weak spot"

" Yesss.... " Reena clapped enthusiastically

" Are you for real?!! What are you happy about?? Huh!! "

" Our hero's introduction... From now on story is going to be colour full, that's why I clapped " Reena likes Tae's mention in this dry investigation story.

" He is not hero of this story, I'm the hero of this story.... U pabo"

"You are the villian of this story... Stupid.."

" That I am... For sure " He smile sadly and accepted and continues.. Reena felt bad for what she said..

" Ok, listen don't interrupt by clapping, it's not movie theater it's my messed up life story.. Ok?? "

"Yes sir... " She formly said

" I was the senior intelligence officer of Operation Fire, I prepared Kim Tahee's case file, everything was kept confidential that time, only few trusted officers know the details"

"Department boys collected Kim Taehyung's pictures, details, shedules and friends details.... Everything about him....under my order, they prepared a file. "

" Our plan is to send someone of our boys to befriend Taehyung and to tag along with him to Hawaii, it was not a easy task but I have to make it happen, he was only hope to get to VanG"

" I studied his file carefully and at last I saw his picture. He looked ethereal in those pictures, back then he had silver hair. Imagine him in silver hair... " Jungkook gave a painful sigh remembering that day...


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"Godly.... Reena... He looked godly in those pictures....  Like you... I thought he is not real... I know I fell for him, But I tried to convince my mind not to fall for the looks. I thought I am stronger than that"

" Even all my team boys drooled at his picture , they started to praise his beauty and secretly started to fight for chance to get to know him, that time I learnt I should not send any of them near Taehyung. Anyone can easily fall for him, and it will compromise the operation. "

" That left me with only one choice... I have to do it myself. I constantly remind myself not to fall for him throughout the process"

" It was never my intention to make him fall for me, I didn't even know if that's even possible" Jungkook stopped abruptly unable to declare his failure..

* silence*

Reena or Jungkook didn't speak for almost two minutes, JK was thinking back, how he wish to go back time and change everything . Reena gets what would have happen... . They didn't talk further.

At that time Reena's phone ringed, she took her phone and went out. She came back and saw JK in deep slumber, with dried tears in his face. Reena pitied him and wiped his dried tears and tucked him on the bed

You are not villian... You are just an ignorant idiot..

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