40. Chain of thoughts

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Flight hours tested Jungkook's patience, it didn't help him to supress his emotions. Jungkook is good at boxing and wrestling. But he couldn't fight his emotions.

Jungkook is getting weak nowdays and loosing his fights and Jungkook hates loosing.

And for Taehyung , 9 hour of flight feels like a teaser of his whole life. It was indescribable , the emotions he feels being near his crush, his fantasy , his dream man, his secret LOVE.

Yes.. Taehyung is in love with Jungkook from the day he met him in Jeon's mansion. Tae knows he cannot expect Jungkook to love him back, as he is always warning him ' don't ask for more'.

So, Tae kept his love secret within himself, of course Jimin guessed it but don't want to push Tae to say anything. Taehyung will confess when he is ready.

Jungkook , Taehyung's one and only love still is oblivious about Tae's deep feelings for him. Tae kept it secret in fear of loosing Jungkook.

Taehyung is happy being Jungkook's friend and his mere presence gives Tae all the satisfaction in his life. He is not going to loose it for anything.

In flight, Taehyung and Jungkook sleeps for some time in each other's embrace. In the morning Tae woke up little early than other two , because of the little turbulence in the flight.

Flight is going to land in few minutes. Tae caresses Jungkook's scar in his cheeks to wake him up., Jungkook sleeps unbothered.

Tae took the chance and placed a deep kiss in his scar, thinking Jungkook is in deep sleep. Jungkook slowly opens his eyes.

" Nice idea,you got here to waking me up. " Jungkook smirks.

" You aren't sleeping??!! " Tae asks with shock tone...

" I woke up when you were admiring my cheeks and caressing my scar.. Just acted a little to see how far you will go to wake me up" Jungkook whispers

" Hmmm... I thought of slapping you to wake you up"

" Instead you chose to peck me in my cheek? " Jungkook taunts Tae.

" Yeah... My bad... Should have slapped you... "

" Yes you should... Now go slap your friend and wake him up... "

" You wish..... Minie is my sweet heart... I will never slap him"

Taehyung turn to Jimin and gave him similar kiss on Jimin's cheek to wake him up.

" Ahhh... Taetae don't lick me early in the morning... " Jimin whines and sleeps again .

Tae bends again to kiss Jimin to taunt Jungkook but this time Jungkook pulls Tae by his waist back to his place.

" Enough with your kissing and waking trick... I'll wake him" Jungkook angrily says without taking hands from Tae's waist.

Jungkook fingers felt some hard wire like thing underneath Tae's Tshirt near his waist. Jungkook placed his fingers again over his tshirt to see what kind wire he is wearing.

" Hands off Kookie... It's tickles.. "

" What are you wearing??? Wire?? Recording device or something like mike?? " Jungkook skeptically asks

" You and your suspecting Cop mind... It's not wire it's my Hip chain"

" What's the purpose of wearing hip chain in the flight and too underneath your T-shirt?? "

" It's friendship thing... Me and Jimin shopped it yesterday and decided to wear it the whole vacation. We do that sometimes with different accessories..
' Creating memories' remember? "

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