44.Make or break love?

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It's been a week after their return to Korea from Hawaii. Jungkook waited for Tae's message or call. But he didn't get it.

Jungkook couldn't hold it anymore. He wants to see Taehyung . There is neither guilt nor regrets now. He don't even care what Tae might think or do.

Jungkook never missed anyone like this before in his life. Jungkook is not in love or going to propose to Tae. Still he couldn't accept the punishment Taehyung is giving him.

Who is he to punish me, when he himself said I didn't do anything wrong.

We are in this together Tae...

I warned you many times.. It's not right thing to leave me like this...

Jungkook rushed in to Kim's mansion to see Taehyung no matter what, even if he have to fight his father.., Jungkook is ready to face that.

Taehee is sitting in the couch seeing some papers. He is surrounded by his managers, lawyers and escorts.

" Where is Taehyung... I wanna see him" Jungkook asks Taehee

" Tae is in his room... " Taehee says and ask his escorts to allow Jungkook to go.

" Thanks... " Jungkook simply says and climbs the stairs.

" Mind it Jungkook... If you hurt him or anything... You won't leave here alive.. "

" I won't hurt him... " Jungkook simply says and climed the stairs.

Jungkook stands in front of Green door and without any further thought he pushed open the door.

Taehyung is standing before his closet in a silk robe and taking out his clothes . On seeing sudden entry, Tae gets startled and stands frozen.

Jungkook rushed inside to shut Tae's mouth if he is going to scream. But Tae didn't scream., he stood like a statue.

When Jungkook got very close to him Tae shouts to make him go away.

" Get out Jungko.... " Tae's mouth was shut by Jungkook's lips

Jungkook aggressively kissed Taehyung. After sucking his lips for almost three minutes Jungkook leaves his lips to kiss him all over his face...

" Missed you Babie.... Don't punish me... Don't punish me just because I can't love you... "

Tae didn't say anything after hearing Jungkook's words. It didn't make sense to him at all.

" It's not you Tae... I can't commit myself with anyone... "

" Ok... I understand you Jungkook.... Please try to understand me too... I can't take this bullshit anymore "

" What ?? What did I do?? "

" You don't love me... That's ok... But I love you... If you can't love me back just leave me be... Don't torture me by coming here.... Don't come in my life again... "

" Babie... I miss you.... Can't I be just a friend and see you whenever I want ?? "

" That's not possible Jungkook... Can't you see , it's really hurting me.... I can't just be near you without any commitment. "

" Babie... Don't you miss me...?? "

" I do Kookie... I miss you more than you can ever imagine... Because I love you... It's hurting because I love you... Why the hell are you missing me... ??"

"Tae.... I can't tell you everything... I'm involved in your father's case, I can't drop everything and start a relationship with you... I messed up already it's impossible to mend everything..."

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