18.Am I bad?

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Year 2022, In Korea

Kookie came here to Jeons mansion.He tries to comes every weekend here to visit his parents and relax . He likes his mother's cooking , but sometimes he misses Jin's food.. That is his favorite. It's always Jin hyung for him more than his parents..

When ever he comes, he will go to Jin's room and rests. He doesn't like his room in the mansion anymore. Jin's room felt like home to him. He misses his brother, also his wife . He can't help it, he wants his Tae back. But he is not ready to hurt his brother for that.

Jin's room is also Tae's room now,even though he stayed here only for two days. Tae left some of his clothes in the closet. Jungkook opens the closet and caressed his clothes. It's has become his routine every weekend. It sounds creepy but it feels like heaven and home for Jungkook.

After sometimes Jungkook had his lunch and rested in Jin's room for sometime, he heared a knock and got up to open the door. It's his mother..

" Kookie did I wake you dear... ?? "

" No amma, I was just scrolling something on mobile"

" Ohh.. Ok... What you had for breakfast?? "

"Nothing much, just cereals"

"Why don't you shift here..?? Jin is in US, you are in your apartment alone... It feels lonely sometimes here Kookie.. "

"Yes amma... I thought about that too, but an important operation is going on under my control, I'm still busy till it gets over... So not now may be next month"

" Ohhhh...Next month??? But......that is also ok for me... Atleast I will know that you are coming back to me and I'm happy about that... " Mina said and continues...

" What you are going to do with your apartment then...?! " Mina asked..

" I don't know may be I'll give it for rent , Reena is looking for an apartment near by office... Mine will be perfect for her.."

" Ohhh.... Reena... !!! Is she you girlfriend???"  Asking this Mina wiggles her eyebrows

" No amma... She is just a friend, I'm not in relationship, never will be in one..." He sternly said

"Kookie... ??!!!" She whined

" I want to see you get married too.. See you brother, he was also stubborn not to get married, he saw Taehyung, now look at him.... How happy they are..!!!! You should marry too...." She continues...

" Shall I arrange for blind dates... I'll look for beautiful person like Taehyung ok? "

Kookie glared  at her..." Amma please.... If you force me to get married, I wont shift here"

" No no... Ok..I won't force you, do whatever you want, stay here please..." She pouted...

"Hmmm.... How are they??? Jin and his wife" Mina is totally clueless about the conflicts happened before marriage and after dinner, she only knows Tae was friend for both Jin and Jungkook.

" I spoke to them yesterday... They are happy and healthy..., it's been a year... I'm expecting a good news from the couple... I want to see my grand children...." She yearningly said...

Something is nudging Jungkook, it feels odd to think about Jin being father of his Tae's child... He is visibly irritated and tried to avoid the talk...

"Yes... Yes... I also want to see my grandchildrens... You go out now . I'm sleepy, I woke up early in the morning" He said with disinterest.

" They are not going to be your grand children Kookie... They're your nephew and niece " Mina said on the way to door.

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