12.Lover boy JK

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Year 2022 ,In Korea...

It's a busy day in Seoul police department office.. As her daily work routine, Reena entered her cabin  the first thing she noticed is a odd stick note with beautiful handwriting on it... The note reads...

𝙈𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙚
- 𝙅𝙆

What's wrong with him early in the morning

Can't he call me over phone Or text me??

what's with this unusual stick notes?!

Oh....my god!!!

I unleashed a dramatic lover beast yesterday ???!!!

May be , he regrets sharing everything with me.. ?!

With many thoughts in her mind Reena walked towards his superior's cabin , Jungkook's office room..

"Excuse me sir.... Did you leave a note for me in my cabin?? "

" Yes.. Get in Reena.."Jungkook always call Reena formally in office but today he spoke with her very casually...

what happened to calling me ' Miss Park '?

Are we talking personal here??!!

What happened to him??!!

Reena wondered, she voiced out her thoughts

" Are we talking personally, sir??!!

" No I'm going to ask a personal question ,and.....you have to answer me professionally....Am I clear?! "

" I guess..... Ask me sir... ???!! "

" Are you free in the evening?? " JK smirked

" Professionally , yes sir. You can assign me with any assignment... I'm on it.."

" What about personally....Reena? "

" Can I address you personally sir?? To answer your question?? "

" Yes yes ... Go ahead " Jungkook sighed

She leisurely sat in the chair cross legged and answered

" You see... JK, I'm not free tonight. I'm going to my home, eat popcorn , watch movies and sleep ALONE.... !! " Reena said with attitude with finger quoting her last word.

Jungkook chuckled at her attitude and knowing what she indirectly refers to, he asked

" Am I not a good company? Do you hate me??!! " Showed his small pout and pretend to be sweet..

OMG!! Lover boy JK alert !!

I know this look... This look has something to do with his cub..

Run Reena .... If you dont want to see him cry again

" I don't hate you.... but I cannot have sex with you ever again... I'm embarrassed, I cannot replace your cub and you know that... It's not offensive or anything but I feel really sad to do that... You know without any feelings for you...??!!" She continues

" I'm not hurt or something but don't want to take your angel's space... Hope you understand...."

Reena expected JK to be sad to talk about Tae again, so she have to subtly explain her thoughts to make him understand her rejection, but to her surprise Jungkook smiled happily and answers

" Sorry about that.....it's just your hazel eyes reminds me of him and I too don't want to do that again with you... It's not intentional...." Jk said and looked shyly at his lap and smiled.

" I just want you as my friend tonight.... Can you?" Jk hesitantly asked and Reena rushed to answer...

" Yes yes I'll be there around 7" She answer fast to make JK understand , but still she had lot of confusions.

" Will you cook a nice dinner for me...?! " Reena asked to ease the tention of JK...

" Sorry I don't cook.. Atleast not nice... I know only basics to survive.... "

"Ok then....Order good Chinese food.. " She casually ordered her superior

Jungkook smiled " So.....?!! see you tonight Reena??!! " Jk asked...

" Yeah... don't forget Chinese, my superior is draining my energy everyday  with unsolved cases and because of that I would be hungry around 8 , so don't forget my dinner Jk..." Reena dramatically said wiping her swear and for that Jungkook glared at her playfully

" You can go to back to your cabin Miss Park..." Jk displayed his fake angry face, authoritative face..

She stood straight " Thank you sir"
Rolled her eyes before closing his office door.. Jungkook chuckled at her reaction.

He is not regretting his outbreak yesterday, it's quite opposite .He wanted to talk more about his cub. He never confessed his love for Tae to anyone. Not even to Tae. He want to share about his love .

Jungkook oddly felt relieved after letting out his mind about his angel. He was satisfied talking about him. He want to have more satisfaction like that,again and again. He felt like a teenager when he talks about his love to his best friend, so he decided to let his heart out to his friend.

Jungkook knows, Reena wants to know more about Tae, otherwise he won't force her. He wants to share the moment he fell for his Tae, which no one else knows other than himself. He wants to share his side of story.

No... He is not going to play innocent. He knows he is at fault, yet he wanted to share how he could've prevented these fateful things from happening. Now he is waiting for the end of this day.

Meanwhile Reena panicked in her cabin..

What's in his mind.. ?!

Yesterday he cried , after talking about his love....

Today he is all smiling, when I talked about his love.

Should I ask for more information or avoid talking about Kim guy.

Anyway I'm just going to sit and give my support to him.

That's all I'm can do...... I guess

Reena obviously wants to know more about Taehyung but still doesn't want to hurt her friend. She decided to be cautious that night. She is not some psychiatrist to handle this situation, so she decided to go along the flow.

Anyway she is more excited about free Chinese food than supporting her friend.. Typical Reena behavior!!

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