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Jeon Seokjin

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Jeon Seokjin

He is Taehyung's husband now, Jin is not some stranger to Tae, he is Kims organization's CFO. Tae first met Jin at the age of 16. Jin is his father's partner in Kim's organization and kinda Kim's first son.

Kim Taehee has respect and trust for Jin in his heart, he can trust him with anything. He now trusts him with his only son., and gave away his precious son to Jin, and now Tae is Jin's.

Nobody forced this marriage on Jin ,it was him who confessed his liking towards Tae to his father. Yes.. He had crush on Tae.

At first Jin thought Tae as small and cute kid but a month back he fell for Tae's other charming side. He knows Tae's father would surely accept him as his son in law.

Only after four days of his confession,Jin came to know Tae and Jungkook have some kind of relationship, he buried his desire in his heart and said he is ok with whatever Tae chooses. Tae's father felt bad for him.

Jin shrugged off his feelings and felt happy for his brother, yet he felt little uneasy to be around the couple. So he decided to move to Los Angeles to moveon in his life. His feelings are shallow not that deep he knew he can move on.

He planned everything about his settlement in LA branch and started to execute his plan. But nothing went as he planned many thing happened within a month .

And now he is standing in front of his dream boy aka husband. But ,Is Jin's feelings  for Tae are still same??!! Jin is searching for his answers too

But one thing he is sure about is...he must take care of Tae like how Tae's father took care of him. He should not hurt this fragile heart as Jungkook already did enough damage.

Year 2021 In Jeons mansion

After Jungkook left..

Jin looks at the crying boy in front of him and asked him to wipe his tears and go to bathroom to change in to his comfortable clothes.

Tae changed in to his usual Pjs and came out with a hesitant look on his face, Jin didn't notice his look, he jut left to the bathroom behind Tae to change and calm his unsettled mind.

Taehyung is really nervous, he never felt this anxious with Jin before. He respects his husband, he don't want to humiliate him.

It's not that he is going to reject if Jin approaches him to do anything romantic. But he needs time to forget certain raven hair's touch.

Tae planned to pull a act like he slept before Jin's return. But his heart doesn't allow him to cheat his innocent husband, who stood by him at most distress time of his life.

Tae deep down know Jin is not someone to initiate anything, at least not today after all happened after the dinner,so he waited for his husband with a forced smile .

Tae ,don't want to disappoint Jin on his important days of his life. He gathered his mind and sat there to accept anything his husband decides. But Jin took his time in bathroom.

Tae flinched at the sound of bathroom door, yet he wiped his eyes and smiled at his husband. Jin came out with little surprised look in his eyes and asked

"Tae baby..why are you still awake???
I thought you slept"

Tae looked at him with wide bambi eyes because of the pet name. Jin realised what he just did and apologized..

" Sorry about that I didn't mean to upset you"

" No no it's ok... It felt new that's it, I'm not uncomfortable, you can call me whatever you want, after all we are couples" Tae replied with slight blush in his face

Jin walked towards the bed and placing a finger in his Tae's chin and whispered
" Aren't you too sweet for your own good??? Huh?? "

" I don't want to impose anything on you baby.... everything is going to be your wish from today " Jin continues..

" Don't push yourself to do anything atleast not around me... Ok?? Am I clear?? "

Tae noded his head cutely showing his aproval to Jin's question. He felt really thankfull to be Jin's husband, he is moved by hearing Jin's sweet and consoling words. He wants to accept him whole heartedly but something nudged him

Jin cooed at his cute wife and sat with him on his bed and started to pat his back and said " I hope everything will be alright, you must be tired please sleep Tae baby"

All of the sudden Tae felt blessed. He never thought he would forget his cursed life and sleep but he slept that day in Jin's embrace .

Jin couldn't sleep a blink that day thinking about his brother. From childhood Jin has been a best hyung to Jungkook and kept his baby brother happy.

He spoiled him with every thing he had. Maybe he spoiled him too much. Jin regrets his angry words thrown towards his baby brother.

He never intended to hurt Jungkook. But it happened because this time Jungkook is at fault. He played with three lives including his own.

Still something is unfamiliar and unsettled in Jungkook's words., but Jin dont want to decipher his words or actions. He thought nothing can be changed now..

Nothing can be reversed doing so may create further issues. So Jin's only motive is to keep his baby Tae happy and he is going to act on it. He decided to take Tae to Los Angeles to get away from these broken people.

Tae is already fragile , he cannot take one more strike. Jin cannot see him suffer anymore. He is still unaware of his feelings towards Tae , yet he want to keep his wife happy. Taehyung is now his responsibility.

After all a righteous husband is a responsible husband.

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