65.Father sweet

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After all the small chit chats and breakfast, Jimin called Taehyung to come with him to meet his father, but Jungkook is protesting to send Tae with Jimin.

"Kook... Anyway you will go to office tomorrow... Why do you want him here?

" I'll take leave from work for a week Jimin... Please dont take him..."

" It's not about your work.. Tae needs to meet his father.. Jin snd Jihyo are already there in Kim's mansion with Taehee.. Jin explained everything to him... Tae needs to convince his father"

" What he said? "

" He mostly pitied Jin... And I donno he might be angry with you both... But he is not like your mother... Tae can easily tackle him, so I'm taking Tae with me to his father.... "

" Why don't you take him tomorrow?? I Just got my cub back... Let me have... Sorry... Keep him one more day by my side... "

" I know about your 'have / keep' business.. He is all yours....One day won't hurt.. Jin is expecting Tae there... "

" Tae babie... Let me come with you... Huh?? Please.. "

" Jungkook!!! You really are behaving like a clingy love sick puppy... If we go together he might get angry on you... That might spoil everything.. I'll go first.. I'll come back tomorrow.. "

" Okay then.. " Jungkook sadly sighed.

It's been two days after Taehyung left with Jimin , Taehyung called to say that he convinced his appa along with Jin and now everyone are in Kim's mansion.

Jungkook left to work next day as usual. Taehyung didn't came back as he said, but he invited Jungkook to Kims mansion after work.

Jungkook confidently enters Kim's mansion expecting every one to be gathered around the living room couch and waiting for him but when he enters no one is there except some maids and escorts.

Jungkook runs to the stair to Taehyung's room, when he opens the door Tae is not there, he heard Taehyung's voice from some other room, he walks towards the room hope to be see and be with his cub.

To his surprise Taehyung is sitting with his father on the bed, Jin and Jihyo is sitting opposite to Taehee in a couch. Jungkook's sudden entry startles Taehyung and Jin. But Taehyung getsup from bed to invite him inside.

" Come... " Taehyung hold Jungkook's hand and slightly pulled him inside the room to sit near Jin.

" I was searching for you in your room? " Jungkook slowly whispers in Taehyung's ears in serious tone.

" Why??! Is there anything important to say? " Tae asked Jungkook in hushed tone.

" Need a kiss urgently.. " Jungkook hushed back in Tae's ears with very serious face... Taehyung stared back at Jungkook face with unbelievable expression, then Jungkook little loudly says..

" Don't panic Tae... It's nothing.. I'll take care.. You need not do anything, I'll do it instead.. I'll ask permission to your father wait.. "

" Hello Uncle Kim!! Can I borrow Taehyung for two minutes?? Need to discuss a important thing... Please... "

" Yeah sure... Is there any problem?? Should I help you.. "

" No... not a big issue... I can handle... Just two minutes uncle... "

" Sure... Take him"

Even Jin and Jihyo got worried in Jungkook's serious tone and Taehyung's bewildered look. Jin also volunteers to help..

" Kookie?? May I..?? "

" Please stay Jin hyung... I can handle believe me.. "

" Ok Kookie... "

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