54.Paper heart..

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Karoke night!!!

It's been five days after the grand dinner, Jeons are getting ready for the
get-together party, which is going to be held on sunday evening.

For the past five days Jungkook rises early in the morning and leaves to gym, then straight to work before everyone wakes up. He only comes for dinner and finish his dinner early before others and leaves to his room . This has become his routine.

Jimin occasionally meets him in his room, they spend some time talking and he even takes Jihyo with him . Jihyo and Jungkook got along well. Taehyung still refuses to come meet Jungkook and Jimin won't force him.

One day Taehyung met Jungkook in the corridor on his way to his room from work, Tae just showed his empty smile and walk past Jungkook.

Today is off day for Jungkook. He has to stay home but he decided to go to his apartment to avoid any interactions with the couple but Jimin firmly asked him to stay.

Saturday morning at 8,

While having morning coffee... Jimin and Jihyo is speaking about Jungkook while sitting in the living room couch. Taehyung is still sleeping in his room and Jungkook went to gym.

" Jimmy?? Have you heard Jungkook singing in his room? "

" Yeah.... I've heard him singing many times.... Even during our trip to Hawaii...he sings so well...."

" His voice is really really nice whenevr he speaks in Busan dialect and it's gets even better when he sings. Yesterday.... When I walk past his room... he was casually singing 'Paper hearts' in his room and it felt like I was in a concert , Shall we go sit near his room after he comes back from gym ?? If we get lucky we might hear his morning songs..!!"

" Yeah.. Let me arrange for a chair in front of his room... Shall we sit there and wait for him to sing? " Jimin sarcastically asks....

" Well... That's not a bad idea.. "

"We can also sell those seats...like concert tickets?? Huh?? What do you say??" Jimin says..

Only now Jihyo caught the sarcastic tone in Jimin's question and now she is glaring at him.

" Jiji... Kook is our friend... If you wanna hear him sing , you can ask him directly... Shall we ask him to sing tomorrow in get together? "

" Ok... You ask him... "

" Hmmmm....Is Reena coming tonight? " Jimin asks thinking about something else..

" I've to ask her Jimmy... I'm not sure... Her superior seems strict cop... She barely gets free time from her work... Poor Reena.. "

Strict... My foot..

How they are getting free times for one night stands and personal stories?!!

"Leave it to me... I'll invite her she can't say no to me.... " Jimin says..

" Hmmm... Something fishy..." Jihyo wispers.

Jimin and Jihyo planned karoke night in 'Heaven Swing ' Karoke bar tonight. Three friends along with Jimin's friend Hobi are going to spend their fun evening there..

Jin and Namjoon might join them if they could finish their business meeting in time. Jimin also invited Jungkook tonight but Jungkook refused to avoid conflicts as Jin is always showing his angry face to his little brother.

Jimin calls Reena and...

" Hi Reena... "

" Hey cutie... How are you? "

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