46.Denied Love

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Year 2021, In Korea

Taehee , Jungwoo, Seokjin are having serious discussions in Jeon's garden . Taehee trusts Jeons more than anyone. He mostly discuss Tae's safety thanhis business.

Jungwoo assures Tae's safety. Taehee gives power of attorney to Jin .Jin is now responsible for Taehee's Assets and business.They know if the case takes wrong turns Taehee could end up behind bars.

Jungwoo and Jin tried to convince Jungkook to give up on the case, but Jungkook said he won't do that for anyone's sake, not even for Taehyung. Taehee is unbothered about that. He is not even angry on Jungkook.

After Taehee left Jeon's mansion. Jungwoo and Jin are discussing the case and Taehyung's safety. Jungwoo says..

" Jin... What do you think about Kookie's relationship with Taehyung? "

" Our Kookie is never been in a relationship... I guess he did everything for the operation I guess... But I'm not sure.. "

" What about Tae? "

" Uncle said Tae is in love with Jungkook, but after everything Jungkook did, Tae stayed away from our Kookie... That's all I know... Why are you asking appa??"

" I have an intuition that Kookie also have little intrest in Tae... Have you seen our Kookie nowadays?? Didn't you notice any change in his behaviour?? "

" Whatever appa.... I don't think I know him anymore.. I've never took him for a backstabber, he really used a innocent kid for his job"

" I was not surprised at all Jin... He does this always with you... Being self obsessed and determined is not new for him. I've seen Kookie doing this to you all the time... You spoiled him Jin"

" Yes... I did... I didn't know he would go this extend for his Job. Do you really think he helps us in this case to prove Taegee not guilty?? "

" Let's make him.... Kookie won't listen to us or Taehyung now... He will definitely listen to his wife.. "

" Wife??!!! "

" Yeah... I think Kookie have something for Taehyung... If we could convince him to marry Taehyung, he would back off from the case. "

Jungkook suddenly enters the room with the angry expression when his own family is trying to trick him to save Taehee from justice.

" Appa!!!???? "

" Don't try to trick me... I'm not going to marry Tae... He himself is not ready to marry anyone... We are not even in love... How could you do this to us just to save your friend?? "

" Kookie... Try to understand.... It's not entirely about saving Taehee... Have you ever thought about Taehyung after Taehee went to prison ?? Don't you feel guilty for ruining a family's peace?? "

" Taehee should have thought about this before he does all his illegal activities, and.... about Taehyung.... You people no need to worry about him. I'll take care of him. "

" You will care for him?? What rights do you have on him?? I will never let that kid near you again. If you are not going to be his husband "

" You too don't have rights on him to take his life decision...appa" Kookie taunts Jungwoo and Elder Jeon lost his cool...

" Taehyung is my responsibility until Taehee gets relieved from all the chaos you caused. Jin is responsible for all his assets and buisness.. I assured my friend for his son's safety. I'll do everything in my strength to keep my promise . If I feel your presence is going to be a threat for Tae... I will not hesitate to disown you and to even fight you.. Now you have two choices Kookie... marry Taehyung or stay away from him. I'm not Taehee to stay calm all the while you emotionally hurts Taehyung. You know how far i'll go to save my beloved ones. At this point Taehyung is more important for me than Jin and you. "

Jin and Jungkook were beyond shock hearing Jungwoo's words. He never spoke to his sons like this before. Jungkook is slightly terrified about the choice his father gave. He don't want to take either of the choices.

" Appa... Don't push us into this loveless marriage... It's not Taehyung, I'm never going to marry anyone Appa... Please understand. Even Taehyung won't accept this..."

" Can't you see??? He is in love with you Kookie... If you ask his hands for marriage he won't deny... Try to think about him"

" No appa... I can't see him as my wife... I can't see anyone like that.. I can't be a good life partner appa and that too Tae??
How can I ask him after all I did to him, I can't appa... Please "

" If that is your decision... Let it be... Don't you ever use your manipulative intentions on Taehyung anymore.... You already got what you want... Leave Taehyung...If you try to use him again... You have to face me before facing him. These are my final words. Marry or leave... There is no in between 'friend like' or ' love like' relationship. "

" Appa please.. I can't stay away from Tae... "

" It's ' Kim Taehyung ' for you.... "

"Appa??!! "

" Your words have no values here Kookie... What you did for Taehee, You may call it Justice... But what you did for Taehyung is unforgivable... Taehyung may have forgive you... But i can't forgive you... You deserves punishments and I'll make sure you will get your punishments for hurting that pure little heart... "

" Appa... How can i marry him??!! This relationship starts with fake intentions, baseless and truth less words... He doesn't even know the real me Appa... I don't want to build my life based on lie. " Jungkook cried...

" At this point, even I don't get your real intentions Kookie.... Please don't impose your pathetic life on Taehyung anymore... If you can't give him a life he needs , just stay away and let him live. "

" You already disappointed me Kookie... Don't bring further shame to me.. Just give up on Taehyung... He is not your plaything. "

Jungkook sit in the nearby chair as his legs are getting week minute by minuite.
He can't justify his actions with Taehyung and without any choice Jungkook says...

"Okay Appa.... " Jungkook cried

" I can see, I don't have a choice here.. "

You still have a choice Kookie... You are too head strong to accept that...

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