35.Dreamy Kiss..

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Taehyung and Jimin escaped from the night club with the help of Jungkook and Namjoon.

Both escorts and the bad guys are waiting for two boys in short black dress who entered the rest room before 10 minutes.

No one paid attention to the two couples one in red another in blue and white came out of the rest room.

After the said couples left the club through front door. One of the escorts get a call from Jungkook. He panicked at first but after hearing Tae's voice he knows that Taehyung is safe.

He started acting cool and pretends to wait for Jimin and Tae for another Ten minutes as Jungkook instructed.

When the bad guys started getting doubts as the boys still didn't get out, they rushed inside restroom and found two black jackets and accessories.

When they came out , there are more escorts and police waiting for them with weapons.

Jimin left the club with Namjoon in his car, and now Tae is driving Jungkook's car as Jungkook has things to do like, informing police and secure the two escorts as the bad people carrying weapons.

When everything got secured, Jungkook let's out a big breath . He looks at Tae and Tae displays a beautiful and innocent smile, Jungkook feels a peculiar content on seeing that smile, yet he glared at Tae.

" Kookie...." Tae whines...

" Stop Tae.... How the hell are you so oblivious about your surroundings...??? "
Jungkook scolded

" What did I do?? Why are you shouting at me ? "

" They are following you for many days it seems... You didn't even notice?? And you came with two bodyguards and without weapons??? I've told you to be careful "

" Are they supposed to carry weapons? My escorts??"

" Yes... When you are son of an important person and being this beautiful... You should carry your own weapon hereafter..."

Tae stayed silent and Jungkook continues

" And whats with the dress??? Huh?? Wearing that revealing dress and you danced like that and seduced the whole club??? "

" I only danced for you" Tae sadly poted

" And I would have abducted you... If Jimin didn't intervene"

" I don't mind... You taking me... " Tae playfully says

" Yes sure... I've seen that in the rest room, you are all talk Tae.... I saw how you protested when I touched your Jacket back in the rest room.. "

" That... " Tae voice struck in his throat, and gave a puppy look to Jungkook.

" And whats with you??? Getting all careful only around me?? And you didn't even notice people are following you for days?? "

"Because I have all my attention only on you? "

Jungkook didn't expect this answer and stays silent for sometime. They are going to Tae's home. Tae in between stealing glances on Jungkook's body in that only blazers without shirt.


" Tae.... Stop the car..... " Jungkook suddenly says...

" What?? Why...?? "

" Give me my shirt back, it's not safe around you without my shirt on" Jungkook said with fake scared look..

" Ahhh... Mister Handsome I've seen better looking guys... Don't think so high about yourself ok?? And why is not safe around me? As if I'm going to Rape you"

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