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The private Jet landed in Korea , Namjoon left early in his car as he have to attend a meeting , Jimin and Taehyung subtly stands aside leaving Jin and Jihyo together while waiting for their car .

Jimin is subtly signalling Jihyo to get close with Jin

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Jimin is subtly signalling Jihyo to get close with Jin . Jihyo closed her eyes tightly cause of embarrassment
and she refused to look at Jimin's side.

" Are they seriously calling this subtle?? Even a child can see what those devils are trying here... " Jin is mercilessly roasting her friends and he chuckles .

" Hmmm... " Jihyo is beyond embarrassed.

Taehyung is really happy on seeing Jin and Jihyo talking closely

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Taehyung is really happy on seeing Jin and Jihyo talking closely. He thought he accomplished half of his task and proudly looks at laughing Jin.

Jihyo is waiting to see her cousin Reena before going to Jeon's place as she planned before leaving LA. She called Reena..

" Sorry sorry... Jihyo... I couldn't come.. My dumbo superior gave me urgent work to arrange Jasmines for his sweet heart . Just before half an hour I delivered it to his house from air cargo..sorry Jihyo... I couldn't come...shall we meet tomorrow? " Reena apologies for not coming.

"Ok ok... No problem...its ok... Come tomorrow at least" Jihyo says..

" What? Where is Reena? " Jimin ask Jihyo while Tae snd Jin were discussing something..

" Her dumbo superior asked for Jasmine for his sweet heart it seems... She couldn't come.. She will come tomorrow... Don't worry Jimmy... I'll call you 'cutie' instead of her... Cutie Jiminie..!!"

"Enough... Save your humour for Jin... " Jimin glares.

Her superior???.... Kook?

Jasmine for his sweet heart??!! 🤔


The audacity though!!

Jeons mansion..

All are eagerly waiting for the couples and their friends. Taehee who got releived from all the cases is also waiting for his son in Jeons mansion.

It feels like celebration in the whole mansion, it is decorated with flowers and lights, a grand dinner is arranged for the couples and guests.

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