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Year 2022, In LA.

TaeJin home

Taehyung dreamily describe about the day he visited Jungkook at his home, to Jihyo with occasional blushings and yearning expression.

" You know Jiji.. On that day Kookie zoned out a lot, like he is processing something in his mind"

" He did flirt a little, but didn't laid a finger on me, he calculated all his move carefully... I couldn't evaluate his intention at all.... He looked like  he wanted me then next second he went away from me..."

" Maybe he was processing about how to manipulate me or may be about not hurting me in the process... "

" Either way he did both and left me at the end... " Tae cried telling this

" Baby... Kookie is not manipulating kind... Jin told me lot about Kookie and he took pride in rising him as a Good boy"

" Yes Jiji... Kookie is a gentleman, but he did manipulate me, I wouldn't have believed it... If I heard it from anyone else... I heard it from him, he told me that , he did it for his job... "

" Why...???!! What job.." She calmly asked, she couldn't believe that he could do this...

" You know Operation Fire right? "

" Yeah... Your father, that case... I helped Jin with some documentation in that case related files"

" Yes... Junkook is senior intelligence officer that time an undercover officer , and head of 'Operation Fire'"

" Seriously???!!! "

" Yes.... Guess what my code name could be... It's Blue Flame... " Tae sarcastically smirked with sad glint in his eyes.

" He did everything for his operation??? Do you think he faked everything?? "

" No... Even before he do anything, I moved fast , he let me move that's it , actually he did warn me all the time.. He didn't do anything wrong other than his job" Tae sighs.

" My stupid self did all the self harm , I openly gave all the permission to use me just to make him stay in that hopeless relationship...Jiji"

Jin knocked door little loudly....

Tae wipes his eyes and calmly proceeds towards the door.

" What happened Jin... at this time?? " Tae asked

" Jimin's flight got delayed it seems.... He called me before sometime.. He said your phone is switched off and Jihyo is not picking his call" Jin looked at Jihyo,

" Ohh.... Yeah it's in the living room couch" Jihyo rushed to take her phone..

" Why did he call?? Is it emergency, is he ok? " Tae asks

" Tae relax and listen... Shawn called him and said something bad about you, I assume.... "Jin calmly said .

" Jimin won't believe him anyway.... Is he angry or heart broken??? " Tae doubtly asked..

"Yes, he didn't believe at all but he is angry at that bastard for hurting you... And started cursing him..." Jin continues

" But in the middle , he started crying, loosing his cool" Jin says.

" Damn.... How is he going to travel in this state?? And that too alone?? Did he board the flight? if not....ask him to cancel he can't travel alone when he is hurt"

" Wait wait... Don't panic Tae, I too suggested this to Jimin... But he said he promised you, so I contacted my friend who is also boarding in the same flight... Asked him to take care of Jimin"

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