10.Remembering his love

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Year 2022, In Korea.

Jungkook's apartment

"No I'm not sharing anything... Go to sleep Reena, tomorrow we have lot of works"

Jungkook is in bed with his best friend and hookup partner Reena, Jungkook is not working in the special ops now , he got promoted and chose not to work there. He is now in less problematic post.

There is no thrill , no rush, no betrayals only confidential desk works. He started liking this boring yet peaceful life.

Nowadays he subconsciously start liking the girls with Hazel eyes , petite figure and bow lips. Yes.... He is searching for his cub in ever girls who approaches him.

But never found one. He occasionally hookup with different girs to forget Tae, but he eventually ends up thinking about Tae, so he is not open to any serious relationships. He missed his cub.

The girl now beside him , is his friend and colleague. He trust her enough to let her inside his apparment. After some heated sessions , Reena asked Jungkook who rested on his back and staring at ceiling,

 After some heated sessions , Reena asked Jungkook who rested on his back and staring at ceiling,

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"JK.... "

"Hmm... "

"Can i ask you a personal question? "

"No.... "

"Jk please... I'm wondering for a long time"

"No I'm not sharing anything... Go to sleep Reena, tomorrow we have lot of work "

"Quick one please... Or I will annoy you in the office tomorrow"

Jungkook sternly looked at her and said
"Only one question., then you should go to sleep.. Am I clear??? "

She noded her head and asked

"Who was in your mind when you kissed me"

Jungkook panicked. He never wanted to disrespect her... So he whispered,

" No one... Only you"

" Do I look like a fool to you? " She continued " I cannot work in this department if I couldn't tell a lier"

" Sorry... It's out of my control, I have no intention to hurt you"

" Hey.... I'm not hurt, it's ok... It happens.... It's not that we are in some relationship and you know, I dont do relationships" (She is like a female version of Jungkook)

She continued " Just wanted to know who is that unlucky person , thats it"

" My cub is not unlucky, if someone is unlucky then it's definitely me... "

"Ooo.... CUB!!! , Your cub has a name? "

"Kim Taehyung" Jungkook slightly blushed while felling the name on his lips after long time.

OMG!!!!! Look who is blushing I definitely need to know about this Kim person who is behind this blush

" Why the name cub??, is he a wolf breed or something? " Reena mocked him

" No... When I saw him for the first time,he wore tiger onesies, he tried to look like a tiger I guess...But looked like a cute tiger cub for me.... " He dreamily smiled

" Your cub looks like me??? Why did you think about him when you kissed me?? " Reena wants to extend the conversation to know more

" No...beautiful than you ,than any other girl in this world!!! " Jungkook sheepishly smiled imagining his cub, it felt good for Jungkook to talk about him.

"Oo.... I'm hurt!!! " Reena put fake hurt expression in her face, but Jungkook didn't notice that. Fully in trans state thinking about his love

" Jungkook... ??!!"

"Hmm... "

"Show me his picture... "

"No.... "

"Atleast describe him , I want to know how he looks" Reena wonder how could this Kim person look or speak or behave to make THE JK this crazy


Reena thought JK never going to share anything, but to her surprise, she heard Jungkook talking dreamily again...

"Bambi eyes!!! "

"Hazel orbs" * Reena smirked*

"Sharp acute angle nose"

"Cupid's bow lips"

"All together angelic face"

"He can pull off any hair color, he can never look ugly"

"He had blue hair when we first met"

"Omg.!!!! He looked like beautiful blue flame"

" And his boxy smile , I donno how to describe it.... Heavenly is the word that comes close to it's definition "

"He has petite body with right amount of curves, one can never notice that sexy body comes with that cute face in those over sized dress shirts he wears..." JK blushed again saying that

* Tae has feminine body but preferred to be called as he and boy*

" Mostly wears oversized clothes to hide his body curves... He don't like to showoff"

"Hmm... " Reena sat in her position and encouraged to continue by waving her hand

"Always looks like a cute tomboy... But feisty in nature"

" Big fan of Dua lipa, sings and dances exceptionally to her songs" Remembering something JK had goosebumps on his body, he showed fond look on his face.

"Smart, beautiful, pretty, cool, sexy,hottie.... There no specific adjective to describe him on the whole"

Reena eyes widened, she never saw this lover boy version of JK... She is simply stunned to hear these descriptions and dieing to see Taehyung .

" JK.. Please tell where is he now"

"Los Angeles"

" Why the hell did u let your cub go there??? ., you pabo!"

" He is never mine"

" He rejected u while you confessed ?? "

" No.. I rejected him"

" You rejected the godly beautiful angel KIM TAEHYUNG?!!"

A tear escaped his eyes, Reena got shocked, never thought she would see Jungkook cry like this.. She don't want to press him for more, decided to drop this matter and change topic, then she heared,

" He is not Kim Taehyung now , he is Jeon Taehyung" Jungkook continues..

" My Brother's wife"

Reena froze at her place, she stayed calm and just patted Jungkook to console him and there is a complete silence for an hour, she eventually fall asleep.

But Jungkook didn't sleep that night.He felt both happy and sad at the same time .

His CUB!!!! A precious being was once his. But he let that bundle of joy to go away from his hands. He is surely an idiot .

How are you cub??!!! I miss you so much...

I know Jin hyung won't hurt you like I did...

I hope you are happy.

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