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Jungkook is standing in the garden hugging Jimin in his arms, looking at the window yearningly and making eye contact with his love with sad tears.

Taehyung, after minute left the window breaking the eye contact, he then decided to avoid any contacts with Jungkook to preserve his sanity.

" Kook... You arranged these flowers for decorations? " Jimin asks

" Not all the flower decorations... Just the Jasmine corners"

"So sweet Kook... You did this for me?? How do you know I like Jasmines"

" Do you like Jasmine too....Jimin?? "

" Yeah... Who else like Jasmine then??!! "

" Never mind... I don't know you like Jasmine... But I'm glad I could make you happy with this arrangements.. "

" May I know for whom you did this? "

" Jimin.... I see what you are trying here and I know... You know everything about your soulmate... So drop this act.... You can't tease us like before.. When Jin is involved in the picture.... It's not child act anymore.."

" Smart Kook... But I see you still like Taehyung... Why don't you move on"

I don't just like him...

I love him Jimin... I wish I could share this with you...

" Whatever you are thinking now... Just share it with me... Remember I'm your friend Kook...and I won't judge you... "

" May be later Jimin... I don't feel like sharing it now.. "

Why don't you admit that you love him and ask for my help??

Always late Kook!!! Always!!

" Ok... Take your time Kook... But dont hesitate to ask me anything... Remember I won't judge you... "

" Ok Jimin... How is your life going and how is your boyfriend Shawn? "

" My life is good... Shawn is not my boyfriend anymore... I broke up with him"

" Ohhh... Really?? Sorry Jimin... "

" Don't be sorry... Just congratulate me, you donno what that bastard did.."

"Did he cheat on you?? "

" I wouldn't be this angry if he just cheated on me.... I donno how you would react if I say what he did.. "

" What he did?? Did he hurt you? "

" He tried to take advantage on Tae when he was alone in his home"

" What??!! Where is that bastard... In LA or here?? How dare is he? Is he still alive... How Jin left him alive? Tell me what he did to Tae "

" Woh.. Woh.. Wait wait.. Jin doesn't know the full story... He just know Shawn flirted with him . Shawn didn't hurt Tae, Tae is the one to hurt Shawn.. "

" Did he??!! What he did while he was alone in home... How did he manage to fight Shawn.. ??"

My poor babie!!!

" When Shawn tried to touch him inappropriate way...Tae took his knife and made a cut in Shawn's arms, then Jihyo came there to save Tae.. "

" That's my babie....!!!"

Jungkook is so proud hearing how Tae fought for himself, this is what Jungkook adviced Tae to do from that day in night club.

Your babie ??!!

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