24. Beautiful Tae..

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Year 2022 ,In Los Angeles

Taehyung and Jihyo in his room, Tae closed his eyelids tightly, unable to answer Jihyo's question. He wanted to share everything with Jihyo , but not in this situation, he couldn't form words to describe his feelings and his past.

Who is your kookie, are you talking about your brother in law??

" Ji... It's not... How can I?... I don't know how to tell this... Kookie is my ex... No...not even my ex.. He was my love... I'm not his..." Tae struggled to form words.

" He still is my love... " Tae stuttering incoherently...

" What???!!!! You still love him?? What about Jin... ??I never took you for a cheat... "Angry Jihyo started to yell at Tae, but belfore Jihyo could finish those words..

" Jin knows... He knows... " Tae started crying hysterically...

" That doesn't make it right... Omg!! No... Don't cry!! "

Jihyo felt bad for Tae, but she don't think it's right to love another man when you are married to his brother, but who is she to judge? she is still in love with Jin... So she thought, she should know what happened before judging Tae...

Jihyo had many doubts about Jin and Tae but she chose not to ask about it. She don't want to push guilt on Tae's head, who is already broken..

" Baby baby... Don't cry... Not again, I know, you are not like this... something must have went wrong in your past... You are not a bad person.. Please don't...."
Jihyo tried to console him..

" Just tell me when you are ready... Ok? Now tell me what happened with Shawn? "

" No jiji I want to tell you my past, I've been planning to do this for days, but i didn't thought situation would turn up like this.. Still..... Now I want to tell you"


To tell me his past??!! Why??!

" Ok.. Tell... But just know that I'm not going to judge you again ok?? I'm sorry for my hurtful words before... It came as a shock to me.. I didn't meant to call you cheater... Sorry baby "

" It's ok jiji... Anyone would've thought that, if they just heard what you heard...forget it"

" Hmmm.... " Jihyo is still embarrassed about her words...

" Tell me baby, I'm all ears... " Jihyo asked..

Tae felt awkward still wanted to share his past about his Kookie , how he met Jungkook and how he didnt spoke a word to tease him at first, how Jungkook called him cub , how he had crush on Jungkook from the first meeting and about the award show, how Tae annoyed Jungkook there..

Tae didn't leave any details. He wants Jihyo to know everything about him. Jihyo is not just a friend, she is going to be his family,. Tae is too determined to make her his family.

Jihyo listened to every details and the beautiful life of Tae before strom hits to ruin his perfect life. Atmosphere between them is not cold like before, it's getting warm. Tae eventually started blushing when he talked abou Kookie more.

Even though Jihyo knows this sweet couple didn't got together at the end of the story, things between Tae and Kook felt dreamy. Little does she know its not the end of this story and she is going to be one of the reason for the dreamy end.

" Where did you met him... For the third time?? " Jihyo interestingly asked to know the rest of the story.

"I met him in his house after a week" Tae blushed..

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