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Jungkook job is almost over. He got all the information he needs. He just needs to collect the evidence with that information.

As far as he knows Tae shared all the Information to his father to save him from this case. But its not possible at this point.

Evidence which Jungkook got from Tae's wooden cabin is a strong evidence. Yesterday when Tae was preparing Tea, Jungkook accidentally came across portraits and letters from an unusual place, Jisoo's drawers.

Taehyung mother's cupboard is full of her personal things. While Jungkook searches if he can find any old picture of VanG and Taehee together, he found an old love letter by Kim Jisoo to her lover Taehee...

The letter starts like..

'My dear Van Gogh... '

Then Kookie found out that VanG is not another person. Taehee himself is VanG.
It looks like Taehee took that name VanG as his other name for his underground business.

Kookie remember Tae saying something about his father's sketching skills that attracted his mother to fall for him. He connected the dots and took all the evidences including pencil sketches.

Kim Jisoo worked in the Revenue department of Hawaii and she fell in love with Taehee when he came to her office

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Kim Jisoo worked in the Revenue department of Hawaii and she fell in love with Taehee when he came to her office.

Jungkook can collect evidence from where Jisoo worked and he can prove that Taehee is VanG. Jungkook is working on that.

Kim Taehyung reached Korea and he said how Jungkook took evidence from the wooden cabin to his father.

Taehee understands his son, since he is also a victim of this operation. Taehee is not angry with Tae or Jungkook.

Taehee figured out how much evidence Jungkook must have collected and now he is discussing with his legal advisors, how to nullify this if there is any accusations in court.

Taehee is worried about Taehyung more than his case. If this case ends badly Taehyung will be in danger. He needs to secure Tae before this case even starts.

After knowing Tae's intrests on Jungkook, Jin slowly made up his mind to let go of his love intrest on Tae, he is thinking about relocating his office to LA alone and bury all his interests on Taehyung.

Taehee felt bad for Jin., yet he couldn't do anything. Taehee always respects Taehyung's wish. In other situation if Taehyung wish to stay single all his life, His father will support him.

But now Taehee doesn't have the luxury to let him stay single. It's not only the revenue intelligence department knows the truth, all his business competitors started getting rumours about him.

People are hungry to take his power and use his only weekness against him. Taehee is ready to risk every thing for his son's safety. He knows the first thing to get attacked will be his son if he goes to prison.

Taehee have no choice other than getting Taehyung married to a powerful person like him. He only have two choices in this plan. There are two powerful families in his circle, who cannot be easily touched.

PARK family and JEON family. Taehee is ready to give his son to Jeon Jungkook, if Jungkook is interested in marrying Tae. But Jungkook is not...

Taehee also knows Jimin's cousin Park Bogum is also have some intrest in Taehyung. He only have two weeks to decide before Jungkook could collect all evidence and investigate the case.

Nothing is usual between Jungkook and Taehyung. It's been a week after his return from Hawaii. He only speaks with Jimin and his father.

Taehyung is numb nowadays. He feels like he got attacked from two sides and he couldn't attack back either of the sides as he finds no fault with them.

Taehyung made up his mind to accept this attacks as his punishments but he couldn't figure what wrong he did to accept this punishments. He thinks he have no right to even feel sad as he asked for this even after Jungkook warned him.

Taehyung decided not to contact Jungkook again but he wanted to live with the good memories of Jungkook.

The Jungkook , he knows could be a fake personality but he love that Jungkook. He don't want to move on.

Taehyung didn't know the situation he is in, he doesn't know he can't stay single for long , and how life is going to take him in the opposite to his chosen path.

Jungkook tries to contact Taehyung after a week. Tae ignored all the calls and texts, at one point he changed his number, and he even closed his several social media accounts.

Only Jimin can contact him and Jimin doesn't know how to console Taehyung at one point but he never gave up.

After Tae mother's death Jimin subconsciously took the role of Tae's mother, to the point he sometimes sternly questions Taehee for spoiling Taehyung.

Jimin never trusted anyone with Taehyung, now he feels responsible for the whole situation. He didn't know where all his intuitions and decisions went wrong.

From the day one Jimin encouraged Taehyung by teasing him with Jungkook, he did all the research about Jungkook and Jimin assured Taehyung as The cop we met is a 'Jeon' and a reliable person.

Jimin believed and respected Jungkook to the point he sends Taehyung with him alone to the wooden house in Hawaii. He now wish he didn't have sent them alone.

Now Jimin is disappointed with himself rather than Jungkook, he still couldn't believe or accept the betrayal, but irony to this situation, his mind still believe whatever Jungkook had with Tae is not entirely fake.

Jimin cursed his mind, because his mind still not accepting the fact that the friendship Jungkook had with them is fake

Jimin is still confused but decided to stay away from Jungkook for the sake Taehyung's peace. Some where in his mind he is still waiting for Jungkook to come back as their friend.

Jimin might still accept Jungkook as their friend...

But trusting him with Taehyung???

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