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Jungkook is looking at Taehyung from his window, he is little worried about how Taehyung would have took the information Reena shared with him, but mostly he is admiring the beauty of his cub

Beautiful Tae!!

How can he look this beautiful and breath taking in just a suit and sweat wear ??!!

It's true..... in the garden full of young girls in party wear with gliterring jewellery, Taehyung with simple suit and single earring stole everyone's heart. He stood like a bright moon in the black sky.

Jungkook's gaze never left Taehyung's figure. Taehyung knows this, he can feel the heat of Jungkook's intense gaze on his skin but he didn't acknowledge Jungkook's presence in the window.

Taehyung decided to tease Jungkook a little. When everyone started to do slow dancing for the soft music , Tae approaches Jin and ask for dance. Jihyo is already dancing with Hobi and Jimin with Reena.

Jin took hold of Tae's waist and hand for dancing and they started moving their feet according to the music. Taehyung side eye the window skeptically and saw Jungkook is still looking at him. He started moving his hips sensually.

" What's going on Tae... " Jin asked without knowing Taes intention.

" Nothing Jinie... Just dancing... "

" I don't think you are just dancing... Where is Kookie? "

" Standing in his window... Looking at us... "

" Don't you pity him?? Poor Kookie... Leave me out of this game.. Let's change the pair..."

" Jinie...??!! "

Jin took Jimin in his hand and started dancing now Reena took Tae's hand for dance and they continued dancing..

" Tae... Jungkook is looking at you from the window "

" I know Reena , don't mind him.... Lets dance"

"Yeah!! " Reena love to bug Jungkook, now Reena is dancing more intimate with Tae to tease Jungkook.

Now Jimin started flirting with Jin to taunt Jihyo, But Jin didn't notice that Jin is looking at how Reena and Tae started dancing sensually and looked at his little brother and worries.

Jihyo didn't mind Jimin's teasing, she just smiles at Jimin's cuteness but Namjoon came out furiously to take his crush from Jin's hand.

" Jimin!! Come dance with me " Namjoon pulled Jimin to his body.

When Namjoon took Jimin's hand, Jimin is all shy and leaned in his shoulders. Jimin actually like Namjoon but dont want to take this relationship fast, so he is playing hard to get.

" Jimin??!! "

" Joonie... I know what you are going to ask but I need some time"

Namjoon nods his head in approval and hold Jimin in protective manner. Namjoon really adores this cutie Jimin.

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