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Next morning...

They all gathered in Jeons mansion to get Mina's approval, but when they found out Mina went to her native place Busan with Jungwoo they all got frustrated .

Both Jungwoo and Mina shifted their home to Busan day after the get together party, because of their kids behavior. Jungwoo approved both Jin and Jungkook's love. But Mina couldn't digest the fact that Jin gave away his wife for his brother.

Mina is so angry only with Kookie for all the things he did in his past, Jungkook is so sad to see his mother's absence in the mansion and he decided to call and beg for her forgiveness.

Jungkook don't wanna start his life with his mother's disapproval. He came here after gaining up all his strength to convince his mother but now Tae is also worried about their life together without Kookie's parents.

Jungkook called his mother..

" Eomma!!! "

" Don't call me ever Kookie... You all have kept me oblivious all these days.. Do you know how much it would have hurt to see my family break like this.?? "

" Eomma... This what you always do... Run away from the problems, do you think we planned everything that happened.. Do you know how much Jin suffered because of this loveless marriage... It's all because of me.. You can punish me all you want... What did Jin did to endure another sufferings because of me?? "

" I'm not angry with Jin or Tae or Jihyo... It's just you... You failed me... "

" Ohh!! I failed many actually... So join the queue and wait for your turn to take revenge... Now come back home for Jin and Tea Or should I come to Busan to take you back here??"

" No one should come to meet me without any good cause... How do I know you both will stay in this relationship atleast or what if you both again look for another girl...?? I don't believe you both anymore...Call me only when you and Jin decided to get married untill then... No one should call me or come visit me... It's final. "

" Eomma!!! "

" But Kookie...you can call me to let me know when my turn comes ... "

" Your turn in what?? "

" My turn to take revenge on you.. Do you think I'll forget? "

" That was a metaphor eomma???!! "

" I took its literal meaning "


After 6 months...

Jeons are getting ready for Jin's marrige coming weekend.... Everything felt like deja vu for Jungkook.

But this time Jungkook is not sad Or gloomy like last time he is extremely happy with the love of his life . Jungkook and Tae are in long distance relationship.

Taehyung went to LA for his graduation and to complete his 6months internship along with Jin and Jihyo. Meanwhile they got divorce and Jin proposed Jihyo for marriage. Jungkook also convinced his mother.

Actually Jungkook couldn't convince her easily but he let her take her revenge in every way possible. Now he is staying with his mom in mansion . Mina ordered him to sell the apartment and shift here. Like a good son he did that too.

Today Jungkook is waiting to receive his cub in Incheon airport with flowers . He is meeting his cub after 6 months. Jungkook is too much excited to see his cub in person and not in video call.

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