38. Hawaii trip.

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Year 2020 , In Korea.

After that incident in the night club, Tae and Jimin started being alert and took their escorts wherever they go.

Jungkook is busy in tracking that Hawaiian boat operator but couldn't catch him as the boat operator left to Hawaii after visiting his family.

Jungkook's single hope is lost. Now he has no option other than getting close with Tae to reach VanG.

Jungkook again started to avoid having intimate or personal conversation with Tae. He just stays in contact with Tae and Jimin as their friend.

Jimin and Tae notices this and they didn't take it wrong . They could see something genuinely nudging Jungkook and they don't want to push him anymore.

" Tae... I know you miss him... But put yourself in his shoes and think... He likes you but he says he can't go any further for some reason. " Jimin consoles Taehyung...

" Tae baby...We should respect his reasons and give him time to figure out what's he is really feeling for you , I don't think he is a bad person to intentionally hurt you or anything."

" Ok Jimin... I know... He is struggling with something... Let him figure out and come to me... It's ok even if he decides to stay away... "

" Good boy... But just have this in your mind... He is not going to stay away for long.. He will eventually come to you. I have an intuition that he like you the way you like him. "

" Let's hope for the best.. " Tae sighs..

It's been a month and everything between them gradually declines to just Hi and bye , good morning and good nights.

Tae lost his hope on Jungkook, still he can't move on from him. If Jungkook wants to be his friend, Tae can stay just his friend, but loosing him is not an option for Tae.

Tae is not at all angry or disappointed with Kookie . What Jimin says actually sounds acceptable. If Jungkook is not interested then, Tae should respect his decision.

Tae came to a conclusion about Kookie. But Jungkook on the other hand is completely confused to the core about what he is doing.

Jungkook wanted to leave Tae's connection from this operations and decided to proceed with the boat operator again . He is the only hope to reach VanG other than Tae.

Jungkook decided to go to Hawaii for that, but it would be easy to reach the connections with operator,if he can go with Taehee or Taehyung.

Jungkook dropped that option and decided to go alone and stay there until he catches the boat operator, even though he knows it will take time.

As usual, Jungkook called both Jimin and Tae in conference call to have routine talk with them. It has become his routine to call in conference to make it less awkward.

▀▄▀▄Kookie calling...▄▀▄▀

" Hi... " Kookie hesitantly starts

" Hey Kook.... How are you...?? I thought you won't call this weekend as you are very busy with your work... " Jimin says enthusiastically

" Hi Kookie... " Tae says

" Hi Cub and Min.. Hope you are good.... Sorry....too much of work sometimes... Couldn't do anything for myself... "

" Don't take too much stress Kook... You will loose your mind... Have a vacation or some family time inbetween you work.. "

" Ok Min... I'm trying to.... anyway... Things are going hectic here

" Yes Kookie... You should... " Tae sadly says.

Both Jungkook and Jimin could sense sadness and yearnings in Tae's voice, then Jimin try to leave the call to let Kookie have some free talk with Tae.

" Kook... I gotta go... You speak with Tae.. I'll call you later" Jimin cuts the call after saying bye to both of his friends.

"Tae... " Jungkook hesitantly calls his name..

" Yes Kookie... It's ok if you have work... I can understand, let's talk next week?? " Tae says...

" Baby... Please, I want to talk to you for sometime... Please stay.. " Jungkook couldn't handle the frustration in Tae's voice...

" Really!!! I know you are busy... If you got work , it's ok to cut the call I won't take it wrong... Ok? " Tae understandingly says...

" Tae baby.... I miss you... " Jungkook for a second forgot everything and pours his heart out to Tae.

It's true that Jungkook miss Tae. But he couldn't show that to Tae and raise Tae's hope all these days. But now after hearing this voice, he couldn't hold it in.

" I miss you too Kookie... A lot... " Tae sadly whispers.

" Babie... I have a job to finish... an important job which is draining all my energy.... Let me finish it, Let's start fresh from the beginning... I need to share many things with you Tae... But I need time" Jungkook speaks his heart to reduce Tae's pain.

Jungkook wants to tell about his VanG operation. And confess everything to Tae, then if Tae accepts he will start fresh.

Jungkook feels so much of guilt in cheating both Tae and Jimin, while they think him as their True friend.

" Ok Kookie... I'll accept whatever you can give me.... But know that I like you.. No matter what, ...you are my first kiss and I want you to be my first in everything... I've made up my mind... "

" Baby... Just tell these words after I tell you everything about me.... Then I'll happily take whatever you give... "

" Ok Kookie... When will your Job gets complete?? "

" I'm not sure about it Tae... I've to go to Hawaii... May be it will take a month... "

" A month in Hawaii?? " Tae shockingly asks

" Donno Tae it is just a Day work but... It will take month too, depends on my luck"

" Ok Kookie... Where are you going to stay?? "

" Some hotels or government houses... Department do all the staying and transportation arrangements... It's official trip Tae... "

" Ok... Me and Jimin could join you as a vacation trip if you wish... Never mind we'll plan some other trip next time... "

" Yeah... We can plan this as vacation too... But we cannot spend more time as I would be busy there too... But I can spend some free time with you "

" Really!!!!!! Ok ok.... I'll ask Jimin and let you know the plan... If you could spend even a single day..... That would be nice.. We have a vacation home there so no problem in stays and safety..."

" Good... But dont count on me... I'll join you people whenever I get time... " Jungkook happily says..

" Ok Kookie... I'm so happy... That you could spend at least little time with us... Atleast in the flights ??.... Send your travel details I'll book tickets in the same flight as yours.. "

" They didn't book tickets for me yet... May be in two or three days"

"Ok Kookie... I'll book for all three of us in two days... Ok for you...? "

" I'll let you know in an hour.... Before that you both clear your shedules and lets discuss our flight plans.. "

" Okkkkkk...... Kookie..... " Tae happily squeals...

At first Jungkook saw Tae as a help to complete his job, now he is trying to separate Job and Tae, but Tae is always volunteers himself to help in Jungkook's Job unknowingly...

This trip is going to be the turning point in Taekook's life...

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