3. Just married

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Year 2021, In Korea

Taehyung is walking like a dream in the alter holding his father's hands wearing white from head to toe, his eyes are full of worries and regrets. But it's sure a nightmare to Jungkook. He never thought he will feel this sad.

Tae looks happy

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Tae looks happy... He wore a happy face for audience.Only for those who knows him well can see how much effort he puts to pull this act.

Even Jin knows what is going on in his mind behind his fake smile. But Jin hoped he can make him happy at least in the future.. Thats all he can wish for.

Taehyung have great respect for Jin and vise versa. Tae don't want to humiliate his husband in front of everyone . So he smiles for audience.

Still his hazel eyes searching for certain brown orbs. Just to have one glance. He wished for some miracle to happen. But his heart knows.. This is final.

He thought Junkook would never come , he thought Jungkook cannot see him like this, but he could feel his presence and he thought

why wouldn't he come... ?

After all It's his brother's marriage....

Anyhow he denied his feelings for me ...

I'm no one to him just a mere attraction...

He sighed and continued walking in the alter but still his eyes are wandering in the crowd of people searching for Jungkook ,atleast his feelings for Jungkook is not fake.

He spots Jungkook's back , he is facing Jin, he didn't try to duck his face to look at Taehyung like everyone else, Tae walked , he stood in front of Jin and started exchanging vows and before exchanging their rings

Taehyung unintentionally turn to his right and spoted his Jungkook , his soon to be brother in law in the middle of the audience. And the moment stilled in his brain because he saw something in those eyes...

May be sadness, regrets and LOVE??

no.... I'm just hallucinating....

This can't be true...

Jungkook was never in love me..

He is just a hotheaded, cold and cruel manipulator

Taehyung took a mind note not to look  back at Jungkook's manipulative face again and he displayed a formal smile in his face for Jin

But thats the moment Jungkook fell deeply in love with Tae. Unusual to the situation he currently in, he felt something different some clarity in his foggy mind

He experienced the euphoria of falling in love for the first time, yet...

Yet..... He felt heart broken.

You never realise the true value of anyone untill you loose them, it's happening to Jungkoook right now.

The sight before him gets intolerable, that's all he could take, he left the spot and rushed towards the door feeling nauseous ,nothing went unnoticed by Jin.

Still Jin didn't utter a word or try to call him back to the ceremony.Because he knows what's happening between these two favorite boys in his life. He is now trapped between wife and brother.

Everything happened so fast. Taehyung came to Jeon's mansion after the ceremony as Jin's wife . Jimin tagged along holding his hands and consoling him.

Of course Jimin is his strength and energy.. Taehyung is very grateful to have Jimin by his side as his soul mate at this bad times..

Without him

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Without him... Tae wouldn't be here with sane mind. He would have gone mad long back. He was devastated and dejected at the time of Jungkook's rejection only with Jimin he could come over that pathetic situation.

Tae holds Jimin's hand and didn't let him go for the whole time. Jimin consoles him about the sudden arrangements.Yet somewhere in his mind he thought

Why Jungkook left the place..?!

If he was the one who arranged it? Why did he stormed out of the venue??!!

Anyways these things mever going to affect him.

May be he is affected by mere precence of Tae..... But why he was sad all the time??

He took a mind note to discuss this with Jungkook and clear his mind,after all the marriage rituals gets completed.

After all the guests returns to their home

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After all the guests returns to their home., it's time for Jeon's and Kim's family dinner. Jimin ( not a family member) alone stayed to give support to Taehyung.

Tae has been through a lot this week, everything happens so fast in a blink of an eye... All gathered in dinning table except Jungkook.

Dinner arrangements are grand for just family members, what else we can expect from old money Jeons

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Dinner arrangements are grand for just family members, what else we can expect from old money Jeons

All gathered in the table are looking happy, except the couples, they are still trying to accept what's happening in ther life in the span of a month time.

Everything looks perfect and normal, But nothing is normal.

** skip first 9 chapters if you hate sad part of the story.. It's about how Taehyung got settled in LA after his marriage and how Jungkook miss him**

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