Chapter 40

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I've never liked roller coasters. The feeling of my stomach jumping into my throat and the out of control motion of it all didn't appeal to me. I hated being rocked back and forth like a rag doll, and heights didn't agree with me. So of course when Carrie cut the cord of the elevator and sent us plummeting to our untimely death, I freaked out.

"Keep your knees and elbows bent and locked!" I tried to shout over the terrified screams of Zayn and Josh, but air was passing through my lungs so fast that it came out as more of a gasp. Nevertheless they listened, bracing for impact as we counted the milliseconds to the bottom. My eyes were squeezed shut as that awful stomach in your throat feeling made me gag, and my fingers clutched the railing so tightly I had lost all feeling in them. One part of me hoped that the elevator won't suffer too much damage and we can leave safely without it collapsing on itself. Another, tinier, part of me wished that we wouldn't make it, because then I wouldn't have to face reality.

A reality in which I have to kill my father and put my best friend down before either of them can kill more of the group.

The crash itself made us fly in all different directions, no matter how tightly we all were hanging on, and it was so loud that if by some chance we still had the element of surprise, we surely lost it now. It was deafening, my ears continued to ring moments after impact and my eyes were slow to adjust to the red glow of the emergency lights and my group, who all were also disoriented and frightened. If it were me, I'd rather stay curled up in fetal position and ignore the sharp shooting pain in my ankle, but I knew that if we didn't move fast Lauren could be as good as dead.

If she wasn't already, that is.

"Up and at 'em guys, look alive." I groaned, trying to straighten my stiff arms and rise up, before bending over in pain when I put pressure on my right foot. The fall must have definitely broken my ankle, sprained it if I were lucky, but I'm usually not. How was I going to fight?

"Carrie and Josh, pry the doors open and be ready. Zayn, help me up." I ordered as the rest of my group brushed themselves off, unscathed other than a few cuts and bruises. The boys glared daggers at Carrie, who smiled widely while brushing down her hair, brown locks filled with static and wind from the fall.

Josh wasted no time as he grabbed Zayn's crowbar and set to work on the door, the electronics too busted from the crash to function. If the door somehow sealed itself we would have no way of getting out or back to our friends.

"Can you walk on your own?" Zayn asked with concern etched on his features. He gently wrapped his arm around my waist so I could use his taller frame to support my body weight. I took a cautious step and winced, the pain immediately shooting up to my thigh, but not as intensely as before.

"I can limp on my own, does that count?"

Zayn broke out a nervous smile and nodded, still helping me through the rubble of wooden panels that had fallen out during the drop.

"Viv I think I almost have it." Josh said softly, jiggling the crowbar between the two frames and pushing fiercely.

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