Chapter 17

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Zayn's POV

I would go back to my room, but just the thought of people walking in on me while I'm "emotional" scares the crap out of me.

Louis, no matter what people had said, how he was immature and childish, it wasn't really true. Yes, he loved to tell jokes and play games, but when things became serious and he needed to act his age, he did. He was the oldest, and once this horrific circus show began, he stepped up. He protected us, and after what happened to Josh and when Liam began...becoming unstable, he guided us. I can honestly say without him, we probably wouldn't have survived.

And now he was breaking down, finally all this shit that has happened to us caught up to him and he snapped. How long will it take me to snap? For the others? How long until we're as crazy and bloodthirsty as those Grayies?

"Zayn?" I turned around and instantly felt better as my eyes locked with Carrie's icy blue ones.

"Hey." I say softly. Honestly, I'm too scared to even think. The possibility of my own thoughts bringing on my insanity was too much to comprehend.

"You okay? I heard screaming. And it wasn't me." Carrie chuckled quietly. She was in her usual attire, with her short dreaded locks in a high ponytail. Her face and cheekbones looked sharp and hollow, giving her a terrifying yet still hauntingly beautful look. It was the face of something dangerous. Something that nature is screaming 'do not touch'. And yet, when she speaks, when she really speaks, you wonder how anything so frightening and cold could have such a warm soul and essence.

"I'm fine. That was Louis."

"Is he okay?" She sounded honestly concerned. I rubbed my cheek and sighed, trying to stop my bottom lip from trembling.

"I don't know." Damn it, my voice cracked. Carrie didn't waste a second. She wrapped her thin dark arms around my waist and gave me the tightest hug she could.

Her short height allowed me to rest my chin on the top of her head, currently pressed against my chest. I bit back tears as she rubbed my back comfortingly.

This was new, I had never been comforted before. Sure when I was little, but that was my mum. But usually I was the one people sought for comfort. I was never really one to let people in. I liked to keep my emotions private. Carrie's rhythmic rubbing however, instantly calmed me, and I hugged her tighter.

"It's going to be okay. I may be crazy, but the one solid thing I know is that it's going to be okay."


Lauren's POV

The woods were quiet, and I think that's the thing that terrified me the most.

Never was the forest quiet.

You would always hear the buzzing of insects, the songs that birds sing, the soft crunch of leaves when a deer would pass.

That's how it should be. It should be buzzing with life.

I don't know why or where, but the animals had fled. Usually Josh and I would come out and catching a fox and a few rabbits was easy.

Josh sensed my uneasiness.

"Do you hear it?" I whisper, afraid to disturb the sinister silence.

"Hear what?" Josh whispers back, gripping his bat tighter.


Josh looked at me confused for a moment, before his dark eyes grew wide in realization.

He said nothing, and instead continued to move forward. We searched, stopped and listened for half an hour, but the silence was unchanged.

As my sneakers crunch under dead leaves, I spot the dull red fur of a fox.

Without hesitation, I knocked and arrow and let it fly. It hit the fur perfectly, but the body didn't struggle or spasm like it usually did.

There was no whine and moan as the fox would let out its last breaths.

Josh noticed this too, and slowly led the way towards the fox.

It was too much.

I gagged and covered my mouth at the sight. The fox was dead, but I didn't kill it. It was already a good 5 days dead, but that wasn't the thing that terrified me.

It was one of many dead animals, all piled on top of one another in a huge carcass of fur, dried blood, and flies.

They were all rotting, all dead, and it looked as if it was every possible animal that ever entered these woods.

The pile was 5 feet high and the smell was so over powering it took all my willpower not to throw up.

Josh's eyes were wide in horror.

"What the fuck?" He said lowly, pulling the collar of his hoodie over his nose.

"What ~retch~ could've caused this?" I gasp, gagging.k

Josh just shook his head, to speechless to answer.

Whatever this was, I have the unsettling feeling that it's coming for the group next.

As if this whole nightmare couldn't get worse.










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