Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

"And I just thought she was starting to like me." Liam mumbled wistfully.

Liam has been really strange lately, what with his outbreak a couple weeks ago and this supposed tension with Viv, I can't figure him out.

I understand that he needed space, and ever since Josh....well, he hadn't really had time to mourn, we all haven't.

Just the other day I thought of Paul and I cried for 3 hours.

Nevertheless, the world is a horrifying place and we need to be focused and controlled if we want to survive.

Which is why when I saw the twins running off in sweats, I left Liam with a quick apology and followed them.

"Hey! Where you guys going?" I called out to them, a small grin on my face.

"Scar is going to teach us a flying side kick!" Sammy yelled back excitedly, not even bothering to stop.

Damn, a flying side kick?

I always forget, Scarlett was a martial arts teacher before all this happened.

'No she wasn't.' A little voice says, but I shake it off in confusion.

Whenever I thought about the angry red head, that little voice always comes up, and it's been happening a lot lately.

It always gives me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and a nauseating wave of déjà vu floods my mind.

I absolutely hate it. I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something.

My thoughts are interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and am captivated by bright emerald eyes. Her usual fiery hair is blood red under the dim hallway lights and shadows flicker on her pale skin, just underneath the pout of her pink lips.

"What are you doing outside my door?" Scar asked, and snap away from her lips, realizing I was staring.

"I followed George and Sammy."

She raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.

"I also may have come to learn a bit of self defense." I explain sheepishly.

A ghost of a smile hints on her face before returning to her cold stare.

"I'm not going to baby you." She responded flatly. For some reason her tough exterior makes me grin, quite idiotically too.



I was in the middle, her center of focus. George was on my left, while Sammy was on my right. I think I'm getting better at telling them apart.

George had lighter eyes, while Sammy had more freckles sprawled on the bridge of his nose. Sammy was quieter and more observing while George was loud and joking.

Although the boys looked no older than 10, their eyes were heavy. Purple bags surrounded their dulling eyes, which I imagine once sparkled with amusement and youth.

Even when they laugh they seem guarded, always on alert. And George always has his right hand curled in a fist.

I could feel my chest getting heavier as I notice all these things. The way the boys pay close attention to Scar, and how their eyes fill with fear and hatred when those monsters are mentioned.

"Oi Lou! Pay attention! This could save your life." Scarlett barked, snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

I jump out of my dream like state and start copying movements.

I'm clumsy and unbalanced, worse than the boys even, but I know now I have a better chance of surviving.

My eyes start to wander to Scarlett's chest. Not in a pervy kind of way. can see just the top curve of her breasts when she bends down...

Uhm....moving on..

I was more interested in a white barely noticeable scar just underneath her collarbone.

It's sharp, jagged and ugly. It filled me with dread for some reason unknown to me, and I don't understand how but I feel a deep hatred towards it.

My head starts to ache as images flash in my mind.

~Pale naked skin twisted in the royal blue sheets. My own hand running down the curve of her sides, admiring all of her~

I let out a sharp gasp and crumple to the floor.

"Louis?" I hear Sammy's small voice call out, but it's muffled from the sound of a loud ringing in my ears.

"Shit. George, get me ice and a towel. Sammy? I need you to get some aspirin from Jack." I think Scar is talking, but the pounding in my head is making my vision go blurry.

~Her blond locks are sprawled on the pillows and she's stroking my cheek. I can't see her face, but I feel unbelievably happy. I'm in love.~

Another sharp pain to my head, and I let out a strangled cry.

"What's happening? What's going on with him?" I hear a voice demand.

Was that Harry? Or Liam? I can't tell.

"Help, help, help." I hear a broken voice repeat.

It may be my own.

"We're trying Louis, we're going to help."

~a slam. I feel scared. Her beautiful blonde hair is matted down with sweat and sewage. I hear angry shout and I see a dark tunnel ahead of us. She's in a tattered bath robe and I hear a shot ring out. She crumples before my eyes~

"Help her! HELP HER!" I scream, tugging at my hair. Why is no one listening?

"She's shot! Someone help her!" I cry out, hot salty tears are running down my cheeks but I can't stop thrashing.

"What the hell?" I think its Winnie, but I don't care anymore. No one is helping my faceless love.

~I can see her eyes now. They're red and puffy, and the brightest green I've ever seen. Like candy apple, like jewels. She has a ragged cut on her collar bone, and it won't stop bleeding. She ignores it.~

"Stop the bleeding please." I whimper.

"Shh, Louis it's going to be okay, it's okay." I can't see Scarlett, but I know its her. Her voice instantly calms me, and my vision starts to clear.

"Just make it stop." I moan. The last thing I see before I black out, is a white pale scar, that had finally stopped bleeding.










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