Chapter 5

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Viv's POV

Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Get behind us!" I urged the guys, standing protectively in front of them and pulling out my knives.

Winnie stood with me, as well as Annabeth, their guns ready.

"What happened? Is there something wrong?" Jack asked walking in. Jack Carter used to be Winnie and I's biology teacher. Of course that doesn't really matter anymore. The 46 year old helps Maisy when it comes to our injuries with his knowledge of the body and whatnot. His graying hair and brown eyes give him a tired look but he's pretty nice. Doesn't understand sarcasm though so its hard for Winnie to be around him. He has a gun, but rarely uses it.

"Where's Carrie?" I ask, ignoring his question.

He gives me a confused look and points a thumb behind him.

"She's coming, why?"

"Well we have a bit of a situation." Winnie explained, stepping back a bit to reveal Niall. Jack's eyes got wide and he stepped to the farther side of the room. Smart choice.

"You guys called?" Jared grinned, walking into the room. Jared Pitch was a tall lanky 28 year old. Recently unemployed and forced to get a job at McDonalds. We were looking for food and scavenging the McDonalds when we found him. He saved Maisy and Scarlett by throwing hot oil at a Grayie. He's a very skilled navigator and knows his way around which makes him useful and he uses this huge machete.

"Carrie's next." Winnie muttered under her breathe getting ready.

Then she came in.

Carrie Johnson, don't let her short 5'2 height fool you. Her dark brown dreads pulled back into a ponytail as usual, and her dark brown skin was the complete opposite of her icy blue eyes. Her tattered shorts and tank top were as usual, grimy with dirt. Her old nikes looked liked they were close to falling apart, but she honestly didn't care. She was pretty, big eyes and pouted lips, you wouldn't think of her as...well crazy.

"You called?" She giggled, her voice soft and high pitched, almost little girl like which was weird for the 19 year old.

"Carrie...we want to tell you something but you have to promise to stay calm." I said slowly, my hands raised slightly.

She tilted her head in confusion, looking at me with those wide eyes.

"We have visitors...they're new, and they will be with us for a while." Winnie said, her body tense.

Carrie narrowed her eyes, her fingers twitching for her spear strapped to her back.

"I don't like visitors." She said quietly. Everyone froze.

"Visitors always hurt me. Back in the white walls, they would put me to sleep." She continued, her eyes glazed as she remembered her past.

White walls? Put to sleep? I've never heard this before.

"Carrie hun, what are you talking about?" Maisy asked calmly, her voice soothing.

Carries head snapped to Maisy, the sudden sound bringing her out of her daydreams.

She just laughed.

She threw her head back and laughed.

I gripped my knives tighter, ready to throw if necessary.

"They put me there. Mommy and daddy. Said I needed to get better. Apparently I never did." She said coldly, her voice hard. She snapped back to me, her eyes catching sight of Zayn shifting.

Quick as lightening she snatched her spear from her back, pointing it out in front of her.

"You're not going to put me to sleep." She growled.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and faced Liam. He nodded at me, signaling me to let him through.

Is this boy mad? He'll get killed.

"Trust me." He said lowly, so only I could hear.

I hesitated, nodding slightly and moving away a bit, letting him pass.

"Carrie, would you like to hear a song?" Liam asked softly, putting his palms up in a surrender.

Carrie's eyes flickered, and she had a small smile.

"A song?" She asked excitedly, lowering her spear a bit.

"Yes, a song."

Carrie nodded, putting the spear back on her back, sitting on the floor right where she stood.

"Boys, I kind of need your help with this." Liam mumbled, his head turned slightly to the side.

The other boys reluctantly went up as well. They exchanged hush whispers and finally turned back to Carrie, fake smiles on their faces.

I was about to hear the boys sing live. I felt a flutter of what I think is the dying fangirl inside of me, just seeing the boys was a dream, but actually meeting them? I sighed, missing the feeling of normalcy as the little flutter died out. Guess that was the last of my fangirl.

"Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me. But bare this in mind, it was meant to be. And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheek, and it all makes sense to me." Zayn sung softly, his voice a bit raw but still perfect as ever.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when smile, you've never loved, your stomach or your thighs. The dimples on your back, at the bottom of your spine, but I'll love them endlessly."

I zoned out on the rest of the song, closing my eyes and just getting lost in the boys voices. When they had sung the last note, my eyes snapped open.

Carrie wore this sleepy smile, her eyes half closed.

"The visitors are nice, maybe we shouldn't hurt them." She said to herself. Ah, there's the schizophrenic side of her. She paused, listening to a non-existent response and nodded, smiling up at the boys.

"My name is Carrie." She got up slowly, sticking out a hand. The lads shook her hand warily, while she just gave them a wide grin.

I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding.

At least now Carrie isn't a threat.

But that doesn't mean, we're completely safe.

We still need to find a safer shelter, because if what Jack, Jared and Carrie saw was true, then it won't be much longer till we're surrounded by Grayies.



Tell me what you think, I feel like no one is reading this. I would really appreciate the feedback.

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