Chapter 2:

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"But Baby why are you over reacting I was dancing and she got behind me it wasn't even a guy chill tf out" He/she said in the middle of an argument with their significant other.

"Guh you know I don't like that shît and you was enjoying it if you want her you can have her but you gotta tell me what you wanna do. you bout adding a third person?"

"No I don't like sharing" he/ she said

"Well then that's,that don't dance on her tonight cause I'm booked at that club and you going"

he/she let out a annoyed sigh and walked into the bedroom slamming the door shut.

On the other side of town Xandra was now walking out of the mall because she got everything she needed and more.

Heading home ready for tonight she called her sister just to check in on her then put her phone on dnd setting out her clothes for later and laying in her bed after putting on a alarm for a few hours.

12 hrs later

It was now 11 pm.

Xandra pov:

I got up hearing my alarm turning it off and getting up going in the bathroom I brushed my teeth then I started my shower and stepped in doing my usual hygiene routine  I filled up my loofah with the bath and body works shower gel lathering my skin i repeated this action a few more time before getting out of the shower I got dressed and left the house.

Arriving to the club it was packed already so I heading through the back going into the locker room I changed into my outfit and started doing my makeup .

Checking the time it was 12 am and everything was about to start hearing the crowd cheer I knew that kingvon was here

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Checking the time it was 12 am and everything was about to start hearing the crowd cheer I knew that kingvon was here.

Starting off the night with me on stage i put both my legs on the poll climbing to the top and rapping my body around it and coming down.

(I have no idea how to add gifs when I figure it out it's over for yall 😫😭)

Moving my ass to the beat my time was over so I left the stage .

"Alright yall we got Kingvon in the building" the dj said causing the entire building to be fill with screams

Von walked onto the stage starting one of his songs calling his girl on the stage I realized who it was Kingvon's girlfriend danced on ME she started rapping along with him then left the stage she saw me and walked over she was wearing a black dress with some black lace tights and a black handbag.

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