Chapter 6:

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Y'all 😭 the new emojis is killing me but lets get back into ts.!
Did not proof read 🙄.
Third person.

It's been a few days since the incident with Xandra's and Xena's mother and Xena was actually happy with where she was and she finally accepted the fact that she wasn't going to live with her mother anymore.

Xandra found a lawyer just incase their mother decided she wanted too take it to court for whatever reason.

Xandra and Dallas have been talking for a while now and they are really good friends what Xandra didn't know is that Dallas was planning too be way more.

Dallas and Von have been talking and Dallas finally convinced Von too invite another into the relationship , Von was not really having it at first but Dallas is stubborn so of-course she got her way.

Dallas really liked Xandra but didn't want to move too fast she was thinking about setting up a date for them too either go to the beach or a pool house

Dallas 🌚💜.

Ok so i was wondering if you wanted too go to the beach with me on Sunday..
If you cant it's fine

Oh no i can cone it's fine what time are you thinking?.

About around maybe 2 or 3

Ok ima be there
Read 10:22 AM

Texting thread over.

Xandra can me and Ulyana go to the mall? It's doesn't have tah be today we wanna go Sunday"Xena questioned

In Xandra's head it was perfect she would let her bodyguard take Xena and Ulyana to the mall while she goes to the beach with Dallas.

"Ok but y'all going around 2 and coming back what ever time ion really care just keep me updated on where y'all at and we should be good." Xandra answered

It was now around 9 and Xandra's and Xena's mom Ximena was blowing up Xandra's phone talking about how she was going to send police if Xena wasn't home by 11.

Xandra was getting tired of her so she blocked the number and called her lawyer.

2 hours later....

Police were now by Xandra's door and she couldn't actually believe her mother sent them opening her door she was faced to face with one of the officers.

"Hey mam are you Xandra.?" The chubby white officer asked her

"Yes i am how may i help you today" Xandra asked waiting for what her mother told them.

"Miss Jordan told me that her 17 year old daughter ran away and you are keeping her here the fact that she is not legal yet means that she has to go back home." The officer explained

"Not too sound rude but this us bullshit Miss Jordan put Xena out of her house after an argument they had while i was there and told Xena too stay with me, so what ever she is trying to do will not work , if i have to go to court to be Xena's legal guardian i will , If that is all and you have no papers to come in my house and remove Xena then you can leave" Xandra said raising her voice a little

With that Xandra slammed her front door locking it and walking back upstairs.

Minutes later she could hear knocks again she walked downstairs and opened the door irritated face to face with once again the police...

"Mam we have papers and Miss Jordan said that she is giving you 5 minutes too have Xena out of the house or we will have to take action and come get her our self's" The same white officer said

"Ok so did you know Miss Jordan has been hitting Xena?. Did you know that the day she put Xena out she fought with her before I could get to stop it?. Did you know that i can also charge her with assault you know what maybe i will Xena come down stairs" Xandra yelled the last part

"Is Ulyana upstairs sleep?." Xandra asked

Xena nodded so they stepped out the house closing the door .

"Message her so that if she wakes up she knows we will be back are you willing to tell the police what momma did to you?" Xandra told her in a whisper .

Xena didn't wanna talk about it but she had more then enough evidence to prove it every time their mother would hit her she would have a picture she also started voice recording their arguments just incase she thought she had enough and wanted to move out.

They left the house and went down to the station where Xena told them everything and also showed them the pics and allowed them to listen to the recordings.

They decided that they wanted to take it to court in a private way so that the media wouldn't be able to get the full story until Xena was ready to talk about go publicly.

They left the station and the police said that Xena could stay with Xandra until they go to court to settle everything.

Xandra texted her lawyer explaining everything and asking when they could meet so that she could give her all the information needed for the case .

By the time they got back home Ulyana was still sleep so they just want to their separate rooms and laid down.

Xena was texting her boyfriend and he asked if he could take her on a date she got out of bed walking to Xandra's room asking her after she said yes Xena texted her boyfriend back telling him that she was able to go they set a date and he decided he wanted to surprise her he was going to take her to his lake house and set up a nice dinner for them.

Ulyana started to stir in her sleep and got up rubbing her eyes she got up and went straight to the bathroom brushing her teeth and washing her face her and Xene talked for a while and after she found out the date Xena was going to be gone she made a mental note that that was the day she would buy her a gift for her birthday.

They stopped talking and the room was completely silent untill Xena turned on the tv and put on Jane the Virgin they both laid back down and watched it until they fell asleep.


1082 words 🙂


I don't want Dallas, Von and Xandra move too fast but like I'm ready for the action 😖.

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