Chapter 15 :

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Not proof read cause why would I 😩"


It was now deeper into the date and they were now ready to ask Xandra to be there girlfriend .

Dallas wanted to start so she turned to face Xandra and held her hand .

"Oh shit this becoming real I'm hella scared but here we go , Xandra i knew you for a while now and i really got to know and love you as a person and i love your personality i love how when I'm sad or angry you always try to help the situation and you try to understand where I'm coming from even when I'm wrong" Dallas chuckled before continuing "i know that what we are doing right now is the best thing we could do because we both feel like you would be an amazing part of what we have i know this is something new for you because it is new for us as well i don't want you to rush to your answer of feel pressured to answer us right away i want you to tell us on your own time you give me butterflies every-time i look at you and nobody int ever had that affect on me accept von. Now I'm hella happy i got that off my chest bro" Dallas said before whipping a tear that fell from Xandra's face .

Von gently turned Xandra's face to him and gave her a small smile .

"Guess its my turn folks" Von said with a nervous chuckle "Ok i don't do this lovely shit you can ask Dallas so bare with me or ima jump in this lake and drown my self" he said making me and Dallas laugh.

"Ima start off my saying i remember the first time you tried to steal my girl ion gone forget ts but we cool now on it we started off rocky but now that i finally let go of being stubborn and get to know you i really like you , i still have alot to learn about you but so far i enjoy your company and seeing Dallas happy around you make me more and more happy everyday I know we making a good ass decision asking you this question so without going any further into this cause I'm starting to feel like I'm getting to mushy me and Dallas would like to ask you this serious question"

Dallas and Von looked at each other and Von nodded .

"Xandra Amour Jordan would you be our girlfriend and you don't have to answe-

Yes .

Before Dallas could finish Xandra answered her question with a big smile on her face.

This is something Dallas wanted to do from the first time she met Xandra , Dallas placed her hand on the back of Xandra's head and brought her into a kiss that lasted atleast 10 seconds Von started in amazement knowing that they were both his girlfriends he found them both so sexy and couldn't believe that he was lucky enough to have them both.

The kiss ended and Von had a smile plastered across his face "Ts was sexy asf folks"

Both Dallas and Xandra laughed before the fell into a comfortable silence.

It was now around 10 and they were ready to leave but Dallas had other plans .

Short lil chapter lmfao.

Next chapter sum going down 🥱

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