Chapter 11 :

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A month had passed now and Von, Dallas and Xandra have been spending alot of time together

Xandra started to get distant and the couple noticed and wanted time to talk with her about it what they didn't know is that Xandra was rapped 4 years ago today , she was 18 and she was still living with her mother .

she told her mother but she just dismissed it and made Xandra feel as if it was her fault .

She was still trying to get over everything but it was very hard for her to forget that night which changed her life forever.

Tw ⚠️rape flashback⚠️.

Xandra was now off of work and at this time she didn't have a bodyguard or someone with her after she got off of work , she started walking to her car and saw a shadow behind her trying to ignore it she started running to her car but by the time she went to pull the door she was snatched up .

Being dragged into the dark alley way she tried to fight but was no match to the person , feeling her sweat pants and underwear being dragged off she silently cried as the unknown person rammed into her lower half making her let out a shaky scream because it was her first time she felt so much pain going through her bottom half unable to stop what was happening to her .

"Shut up you know you want it that's why you be all up on that poll for attention and now you have some fucking slut" The unknown person said in between thrust

Xandra didn't want this kind of attention what she was doing was for money only she did it so she can afford to move out of her mothers house and into her own .

The person finally stopped and walked off after pulling up his pants she put back on her now bloody pants and underwear limping to her car.

She got in slamming the door and locking it , she rested her head on the staring wheel and cried .

Getting her self together she started the car and drove back to her mothers house limping up the stairs and into her room to take a shower.

Xandra felt nasty she couldn't believe what just happened she started scrubbing her skin as hard as she could still crying and processing everything she got out and got dressed limping too her bed and trying to sleep she twisted and turned for the entire night not being able to sleep she got up and went to her mothers room.

She didn't want her mother to think of her as nasty but she couldn't just stay and not say anything after telling her mother what happened she was not so shocked st the reaction but she wad still disappointed.

Her mother said that it was her fault and no one can be blamed but her for what happened she felt even more disgusted in herself and from that day on she blamed her self for what happened.

Dallas Pov

Both me and Von noticed that Xandra didn't wanna talk to us but me being me had to find out what was wrong or what we did i drove over to her place and called her so she could come outside.

She didn't answer so i called her little sister and asked if she could open the door for me and in a few seconds the door was unlocked and Xena was calling me inside .

I walked up the stairs after telling her thank you and into Xandra's room pushing open the door luckily for me it was unlocked she was backing the door with the sheet over her and i could hear soft cries immediately i closed back the door and ran to the bed pulling off the sheets and giving her a tight hug .

"What's wrong baby" although they didn't make it official I made it known that Xandra was her baby and will forever be her baby .

Xandra continued to cry unable to form her words and I rubbed her back.

Xandra was finally able to get out her words and she told me the entire story and she also told me that she didn't want Von to know because she thought he would look at her differently .

"Dallas he took my innocence and had no regrets he made me hate myself for a while until i meet Aaliyah she helped me through everything ." Xandra said through her cries

I was shocked and didn't know what to do at that point in time so the only thing i could do is continue to comfort her and call Aaliyah .

After Aaliyah came I left so that they could have time together I knew Von wouldn't look at her differently but i had too respect the fact that she wasn't ready to tell him.

I finally pulled into my driveway , getting out of the car locking it and walked to the front door after unlocking it i locked it back walking  straight to the bedroom and saw that Von was still sleeping.

I climbed into bed after stripping because i could not stand outsiders clothes in the bed .

Von turned and immediately wrapped his hands around me .

"Ma where did u go" he said in a sleepy voice i said i went for a drive after kissing his forehead and we both went back to sleep.


This was just so y'all could get a better inside on what happened to Xandra when she was younger and how Aaliyah helped her and stuff

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