Chapter 4:

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Lmfao y'all thought i was about too continue the sex scene?. 😂

🙄 i'm tyna make a pretty border and this shit is killing me wdf.

Correct me if you see spelling errors .

Also if you see me typing and you realize it isn't proper English I'm sorry I'm just accustom to speaking & typing in Bajan dialect

And also i started this like 3 days ago i should be done already but then i hadda get ready for school. And tonight when i was gone do it i had a bad ass headache .

Xandra Pov.

Today i had tah meet with Von and Dallas we decided that we wanted to go to a hotel but move discreet we booked the room where it was high off the ground and away from everybody we wanted to meet at 8:00 pm so i had time for myself i cleaned my house then fell asleep.

Waking up because i started to get hungry I checked the time and saw that it was 7:30 cussing myself I remember that i was meeting up with two people still.

I got up washed my face brushed my teeth took a bath and started go get ready whole listening too music.

Grabbing something simple i put on a blue jeans pants, yellow top and red/orange like shoes. (Yall i might be color blind so idk the color of the shoes 👩🏾)

Deciding not to post anything just yet i just took a few pics and saved them

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Deciding not to post anything just yet i just took a few pics and saved them.

I took my keys out the keys bowl and went to my garage hopping in my car starting the car and connecting my phone to bluetooth i started my music and was on my way.

Getting there in time i parked in the underground parking garage got out locked my doors and walked into the elevator.

Going up to the 15th floor i got off the elevator and opened the roof door seeing both von and Dallas already waiting i took bigger steps up to them.

Dallas greeted  me by standing and giving me a big hug von on the other hand greeted me by giving me a head nod.

I took a seat next too them it was a beautiful view.

(I CANNOT FIND A PIC I LIKEEEEE BMM, yall gone use imagination.) 😍

Blue and white flowers coming down the wall, the entire city on display, blue lights hanging from the over head cover .
The table is blue with blue and white flowers on it while the chairs are white with blue bows on it.

Bringing me out of my trance Dallas was talking to von.

"Yh and its cool ok, hi uhm its Xandra right?" She asked after tapping me

Turning too face her and von I nodded my head and we started having a conversation

"I'm really sorry about shade room I'm trying to get the pics down and stuff hopefully its down by tomorrow"

Its fine i locked my account from everyone already so i don't really mind what the say about a situation they have no idea what's really going on.

During this conversation von did not look up from his phone once or tried to talk .

"Grandson" Dallas tapped his shoulder

He looked up with a hmm

"Are you going to partake in this conversation or you just gone sit there like you invisible?" Dallas asked with a hint of attitude in her voice

He sat up fixing his pants and putting his phone away .

"Uhm what we talking bout ma" he tried to whisper but failed

"We was talking about how we are working on getting the pics down from shaderooms instagran"

"Oh, oh ok. Yeah so we working on getting that dumb shit down if i have to pay to take it down ima pay cause you wasn't doing nun but minding your business now over 5000 people trying to be all in your business int really no more too it." Slouching back down in his seat he took back out his phone which only made Dallas take it away and out it in her bag.

"You needa chill tf out ma or ima fix what ever this is you got going on" Von said getting back
Up facing her.

She ignored him and we started another conversation before the waiter came up to us and asked what we wanted to drink and if we were ready to eat.

"Can i have a pina colada." I asked

"I would like one as well" Dallas.

"Ima just have a water" Dallas looked at Von in shock but didn't say anything .

A few minutes passed and the waiter came back with out drinks and ofc von's water.

After taking the drinks we all knew what we wanted so decided to order

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After taking the drinks we all knew what we wanted so decided to order.

"I would like the well done stake" I ordered passing him the menu

"I would like a burger and fries" Dallas ordered

Dallas Von straight faced her "why you at a restaurant ordering chips and a burger you could've just ate Mcdonald's."

(Idc if we go to the fanciest restaurant if they have chips and a burger ima order it 👩🏽‍🦯)

Dallas rolled her eyes and continued to hand the waiter her menu

"Ima have Chicken Alfredo Penne"

Dallas chuckled at how badly he pronounced penne but tried to cover it with a cough.

Kissing his teeth he handed the waiter his menu


Few minutes late they got the food and ate it.

"It was nice meeting y'all ima get going tho gotta go pic up my sister" i told them getting out my seat

"Cool" von gave a try response

While i was about to get on the elevator Dallas came up and stoped me before i got on.

"Uhm if this isn't weird or anything so you ever wanna meet up again" Dallas asked me

Thinking about it for a few seconds i replied with a yes and she just nodded.

"Ima text you so we can set up a date and stuff, ima leave von at home tho cause he be acting out"

Laughing to her i said my ok and got on the elevator heading back down .

I walked too my car and hoped in driving in the direction of my mother house.


This is over 1000 words 💃🏽

Y'all already know ima start something with her momma when she get there cause why not.

Ima post the next chapter in a few minutes

Byeee 👩🏽‍🦯

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