Chapter 8:

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Not proof read 🙂.
This is later after Von left the house

Third person

Von Jumped in his car after calling up Durk on his burner phone and telling him where they were suppose to meet, today they we're sliding on some of their opps from 4KT

After meeting at the trap house they sat and talked over the plan when they had everything in place they sat in Von's office just waiting music not know how fast the time flew .

It was now time for them to go so both Von and Durk dressed in black from the head down and hopped into one of their secret cars that they do most of the missions in after changing the wrap on it .

They drove for about 20 minutes then came to a stop at a big building.

Von changed his mind he wanted to kidnap one of the girls from that block so he told Durk to park in the shadows while he went around the back he pulled down his ski mask and walked around.

Lucky for him the door was empty no security he put on his silencer on the gun and shot the lock after walking in he saw a random ass girl and grabbed her struggling to get away from him he put something in a cloth and put it on her face she blacked out instantly.

Walking back out he took her to the car and put her in the backseat Durk started the car driving back to the trap but not before letting off a few shots on the block and hitting a few people.

When they arrived back at the trap Von took the girl out of the back and straight to the basement.

He tied her to the wall and sat in the corner waiting for her to wake up after she finally got up she was scared and started screaming

"Baby nobody can't hear you down here sound proof and these mf's in here know better" Von said chuckling

She didn't know he was in the corner so she got even mire scared.

"Now what's your name" Von asked with a grin on his face

"Layla please don't hurt me i have a family"

"Ok now if you answer these questions maybe i will think about letting you go" Von knew not to let her go cause she would run her mouth so he just needed to get information out of her and then it was good night for her.

"Anything just please don't hurt me" she said with tears running down her face

Von asked her a lot of questions but she wasn't answering so he was confused too if she wanted too leave or not getting tired of everything he went too the table in the other corner and took up a pliers.

Tw ⚠️. Torture/ killing 😂.

He walked over to her and took one of her fingers breaking it with the pliers she screamed in pain tears streaming down her face and Von just stood with a big smile on his face.

He repeated this process with all of her fingers and started too get tired of her screams so he took a scissors a cut out her tongue.

Throwing acid on her face he watched in amazement like he always does.

Bored now he took up one of his guns shooting her in the head making her die instantly now too get rid of evidence he poured gasoline all over her body and lit it on fire.

(This is so funny tah me 😭 like girl how you don't wanna die but int answer the questions?.-traphouse)

He walked out of the basement calling the clean up crew.

Both him and Durk took the clothes they had on and burned them so no trace of evidence would lead to them.

Changing into fresh clothes they went into Von's office and talked for 30 minutes then were both ready to leave.

They dapped each other up and left, when Von got back home he got in the shower not wanting to lay straight in the bed Durk did the same at his house.

After the shower Von changed again before swallowing his medicatios Von had a split personality disorder,he was bipolar and he had Adhd he had all of these things for as long as he knew so he was use to it Dallas on the other hand had too learn to adapt to everything she adapted quickly and that's also what Von loved about her, he got into bed and Dallas immediately wrapped her arms around him, he give her a small peck on her forehead before getting a terrible headache this is why he hated all the medication they always gave him the worst headache trying too get some sleep he shut his eyes and letting sleep take over his body.


This chapter was kinda short 800 and sum words.

Give me some ideas 💁🏽‍♀️.

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