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" I reached for you, but you were gone "

↳ prologue

september, 2006

in sokovia, in a small apartment, next to her siblings, sat a little girl with strawberry blonde hair. behind them their parents on a small couch. infront of them stood a little tv. they watched an old sitcom episode, which was her sisters favorite.

she leaned against her brothers shoulder as she giggled because dick van dyke had just fallen over something again.

"i told you, you'd love it" said wanda with an sick sokovian accent. evina was just learning english, because of that she could understand, but not answer her sister, so she just nodded with a big smile.

"one day" whispered wanda as she took evinas hand in hers "i'm gonna play the main role in a sitcom and then when I'm a big actress and have my own show, you could get a role too"

pietro tugged on a strand of evinas hair, to make her look at him. both wanda and evina turned.

"sure" pietro said, mockingly. "don't listen to her, evi. wanda's talking говно again"

"pietro!" their mother scolded. "come here, evina. don't listen to your brother"

evina stood up and sat on the end of the small couch, next to her parents. as she looked down to the floor again, she could see both her brother and sister smiling at her.

so evina sat, happily watching tv with her family. and just mere seconds later, everything she loved was ripped from her grip...

(not so) wise words from ELLIE !
with that, our journey starts. get ready for a lot of sadness and heavy ass sarcasm and bitchyness!

говно - shit/ nonsense

{I don't speak any Russian so I kind of have to rely on google translate hihi}


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