↳ chapter three

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" I destroy myself just for you "

! trigger warning: mentions of death, graphic language !

"we'll move out right away" ultron walked through the gates of the giant room.

"this is a start" he spread his arms as he hinted towards the machines in front of him. "but there's something we need to begin the real work"

the maximoffs followed him.

"all of these are.." wanda started as unltron interrupted her. "me"

evi was fascinated by the machines all around her smaller, just in comparison with the real ultron, robots walking everywhere in the room.

"that's so cool" she spoke. her voice bouncing off the walls and resulting in a loud echo among all the other noises.

pietro threw her an irritated look. but ultron looked satisfied at her comment.

"i did not find a precise definition of the word you just used, but i assume that it was a positive exclamation, considering you're smiling and seem to be in awe"

the siblings stared at the robot for a few seconds before evi broke the silence.

"that's absolutely right" she exclaimed, walking towards ultron and putting her hand up for a high-five

"evi" pietro called, about to scold his sister.

"it is alright" said ultron as the held up his hand too and softly slapped against evis one. "i saw some people do it the other day"

evi seemed happy and let her hand fall to her side.

ultron turned away from the siblings and flew to pull on a metal chain that was a little over the ground. "i have what the avengers never will: harmony" he explained. "they're discordant. disconnected. stark's already got them turning on each other and when you get inside the rest of their heads.."

pietro stepped forward, followed by his sister on either side and interrupted ultron. "everyone's plan is not to kill them"

"and make them martyrs?" ultron asked. "you need patience" he exclaimed while landing on the floor in front of them. "need to see the big picture"

"i don't see the bug picture. i have a little picture. i take it out and look at it, every day"

while wanda looked irritated by pietros answer, evi had to chuckle.

"you lost your parents in the bombings i've seen the records" evis laugh died out.

"the records are not the picture"

"pietro" wanda said, trying to stop him, because she wasn't sure if her brother was going too far and also because she didn't know how evi would react.

"no please" ultron encouraged pietro to go on.

"we were ten years old, evi was only seven. we were watching tv the five of us. when the first shell hits, two floors below, it makes a hole in the floor, it's big. our parents go in and the whole building starts coming apart. i run around the room in search of my sisters. i find wanda. i grab her, roll under the bed, and we wonder: where is our sister? she was on the couch just moments ago. and we assume she's dead, like our parents. the second shell hits, but it doesn't go off"

wanda looked at evi, who cried silent tears while standing next to pietro and clinging on his jacket for dear life.

"it just sits there in the rubble. three feet from our faces and on the side of the shell is painted one word.."

"stark" wanda finished.

"we were trapped for two days" pietro starts again, but after the first 9 hours or so we hear her crying." he turns to look at evi. "so i speak up, call her name and she answers. we are happy that she is alive, but she is in the most danger"

"she was injured and nearly died. our mothers body shielded her from the explosion. but we couldn't get to her, couldn't help her, because we were scared that the shell would go off if we moved in the slightest" wanda added. "pietro and i were trapped, but evi had to lay in a hole together with our dead parents, scared for her life"

pietro hugged his sister to ease her crying. even ultron looked sympathetically towards the girl.

"when i close my eyes i can still see them. they are still my parents but at the same time they are not. their bodies are completely destroyed because of the bomb and body parts are laying around. the hole is deep and i can't climb out. my siblings talk to me. they tell me to stay where i am because of the second shell. it's not like i could've moved if i wanted. it was torture to look at my parents and to see them lose their life. the worst part is that in that moment i wished i was dead." evi concluded.

wanda send her a sad look, before she turned to ultron once again. "we waited two days for tony stark to kill us"

"i know what they are" pietro nodded

"i wondered why only you three survived strucker's experiments, now i don't. we will make it right" ultron promised.

"you and i can hurt them.." he stepped forward, talking to pietro. "and we will see which powerful forces you hold.." he said to evi. "but you will tear them apart" his fingers were only millimeters away from touching wanda as he made a circular movement around her head. "from the inside"

wise words from ELLIE !

i write my last exam tomorrow (Friday because like preparatory work) and then im free for a little while, till i write my four last exams ever and I finish school.

I'm literally panicking cause I don't know what to do with my life after. I was okay with going to school I can do this for some years again please


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