↳ chapter two

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"say that I've changed say I'm different"

evina maximoff followed her sister through the street. "would you look at that" she nudged wanda, who followed her finger that pointed towards pietro.

"are you planning on wearing that, pietro?" evina called from behind the blonde woman as she jogged to stand next to him. pietro looked unimpressed and just finished his sentence.

"is not for your brother" he mused.
"oh, no" the woman answered. "this is too.." she was interrupted by wanda.
"is every girl in sokovia getting a dress from paris? at least gerties looked warm" she had caught up to evina, but didn't plan on stopping, assuming her siblings would follow her.

both evina and pietro send each other irritated looks by the coldness in wandas voice. "uh... she's kidding" pietro stammered to the woman, before taking evi by the arm and following his sister.

"you're jealous you're not getting a dress" wanda send him an annoyed look.

"yeah because a dress is what every girl wants and desires"

pietro turned to his sister, wearing a dumbfounded look on his face, while evi smiled triumphantly.

"you keep stealing, you're going to get shot" wanda said.

"pfft" pietro seemed annoyed by his sisters assumption.

"she's right, piet" evi agreed. "not you too" said pietro a look of betrayal on his face.

"i mean it" wanda continued. "at speed, nothing can touch you. but standing still..."

"do you think i want to be?" pietro interrupted, turning around and stopping in front of his sisters. "you said, "wait." i'm waiting. and i still don't understand for what. i know you have this plan, but we had stark helpless! all these years, and you.."

before pietro could finish the voice of the blond woman rang out, calling for her brother. "costel, where did you go?" she asked which made the three siblings perk up.

"the church" the little boy answered his sister and than continued speaking to the maximoffs. "the man says you need to come to the church" he explained.

"what man?" wanda asked. "the iron man" costel answered.

pietro turned back to look at his sisters in question. evina also fixated her eyes on wanda, waiting for her answer.

wanda had agreed to go check out the church but not with a bit of unsureness. maybe it was a trap. evi was nervous, but she trusted her siblings and if they said it would be fine, than it would.

before they stepped into the church evi was held back by her brother. "turn yourself invisible, that you can come with. or you wait outside" evi rolled her eyes, but agreed nonetheless and turned invisible. she wanted to know what was in there as much as her siblings.

slowly they walked into the building that was under construction. evina behind her siblings.

"talk and if you're waisting our time.."

a voice had answered them, even before wanda could finish her sentence. "did you know this church is in the exact center of the city? the elders decreed it so that everyone could be equally close to god" the voice came from someone sitting on a chair on the podium. he was turned away from them and evi would've loved to take a look from the other side of the room, but pietro kept a close hold on her arm.

"i like that" the voice continued. "the geometry of belief." he paused "you're wondering why you can't look inside my head"

"sometimes it's hard. but sooner or later, every man shows himself" wanda answered alluding on his still hidden self.

the man stood up, loosening the blanket that had rested on him the whole time, and turned around. it was a whole freaking robot. "oh I'm sure they do" he mused.

evina led out a scared noise. "ah i see, you did bring your sister" he concluded. evina turned herself visible but stayed put behind pietro. not answering the man and letting her actions speak for themselves.

"but you needed something more than a man.." if the robot guy was surprised by her sudden appearance, he didn't show it. but she assumed that he knew of her powers or he would've never known that she was the cause of the noise just moments ago. "..that's why you let stark take the scepter"

"i didn't expect" wanda answered. "but i saw starks fear, i knew it would control him, make him self-destruct" she explained.

"everyone creates the thing they dread" the robot started to walk around. "men of peace create engines of war. invaders create avengers. people create.." he paused, unsure. "..smaller people? Uh.."

"do you mean children?" evi assisted from behind her brother.

"yes, children" he chuckled "thank you, younger one. i lost the word there"

both wanda and pietro looked irritated at their sister, evi just shrugged.

"designed to supplant them, to help them end" he dramatically finished.

"is that why you've come, to end the avengers?" wanda asked and both pietro and evina perked up, interest in the robots answer.

"i've come to save the world, but also... yeah"

the siblings smiled at each other. a silent understanding between them.
this robot would be the answer to their revenge...

wise words from ELLIE !

okay, i literally hate ultron for killing pietro and stuff and he did get what he deserves, but honestly he was fucking funny so I'm gonna make him and evi an comedic duo, sorry not sorry!


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