↳ chapter seven

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" I'll see you when I fall asleep "

evi had her eyes still fixated on her brother, when she heared the voice of one of the robots that spoke to wanda. "it's time for some mind games"

wanda took evis hand as they made their way away from the scene. they hid behind a corner as thor walked past. wanda manipulated his mind, while evi walked around him and took his arm in hers.

when she touched someone, her powers affected them much stronger and sometimes for longer than just a few minutes

next, evi and wanda stood on the steps behind captain america and waited until pietro had knocked him down.

while wanda manipulated his mind, evi figured she wasn't needed for him (she couldn't really make him feel anything bad, because he was already feeling all the things she might've made him feel), so she stepped down the last steps and went to hug her brother.

"you're okay?" she asked. "'m fine" he assured, stroking her hair, like he always did. when wanda was finished, pietro pushed evi to follow her up the steps.

the next stop was black widow. she displayed an alley of emotions from which evi could choose.

she could feel that the strongest ones - connected with the memories she would be confronted with now - were fear, loneliness and anger.

some time later, evi and wanda hid behind a corner and watched the archer evi had met once indirectly in the woods of the hydra building.

he was busy shooting at people and didn't seem to notice them, or so they thought.

both girls stepped up behind him, but before they were able to do anything he had turned around and stuck an electric arrow to wandas forehead.

"i've done the whole mind control thing. not a fan" evi couldn't bare the sight of her hurting sister. so she turned towards the archer and used her telekinesis to throw him into the glass behind him.

before she could remove the arrow from wanda, pietro had rushed around the corner and did it. he took wanda into his arms and slid his hand around evis waist, before he ran them all out.

"what can i do?" asked pietro, wanda who was still gripping at her forehead in pain. evi stood next to pietro, eyes fixated on wanda as well. "it hurts" she said. "i'm going to kill him, i'll be right back" he answered. "no" wanda said

while watching her siblings, evi began to see black spots in front of her eyes, she could no longer see her sister in front of her.

wanda had noticed that something wasn't right and looked at her sister in worry. "evi?" she asked to which she received a weak nod from her sister.

"pietro!" wanda had called suddenly. he understood immediately and reacted fast (what else?) as he turned around and catched his sister in his arms.

only seconds later, evis eyes fluttered open again. "i'm sorry, i don't know..." she tried explaining, but was interrupted by wanda.

"it's the emotion manipulation isn't it?" wanda asked in worry. "it still makes you problems, right?"

pietro looked at evi in surprise. "i thought you said they fixed it"

"they didn't, i only said that because i didn't want you to worry about me. i'm not a child, i don't want you to feel like you have to babysit me the whole time" she explained, while she looked down in guilt.

"evi" wanda sighed. "you are a kid. this stuff is not anything a sixteen year old girl should do, but you chose to, because of everything that happened to us, you focused on something else than a normal childhood and we accept your decision" she assured

"we don't feel like we're babysitting you" pietro started. "you're our little sister, we're supposed to care for you. i want to keep you and wanda safe, i'm the oldest of us, i watch out for you. just like you both always do for me"

"okay, i guess you're right, i'm sorry i didn't tell you about this, but i-" before evi could finish her sentence, her eyes closed and she fell limp into pietros arms again.

when she woke up again, she couldn't tell how much time has passed. the worrying eyes of her siblings were still fixated onto her.

"i think you should stay here, evi. turn invisible and hide. that might me the safest option. the time you're out increases, and we can't tell when it will stop" pietro explained

"he's right" wanda stated. "you're only gonna get in danger like this. stay here and hide, please evi"

evi nodded her head and sat down between the wrack. she was to tired to discuss or plead to come with.

her siblings were right, this was the safest option. she didn't care if she herself would get hurt, but she couldn't be the reason that her brother or sister would.

"okay" pietro turned to look at wanda. "what now?"

"i want" she started looking to her left, pietro and evi following her eyes to the avengers ship. "i want to finish the plan, i want the big one"

evi watched as her siblings rose to their feet. "you know what you have to do, eves" pietro said to her. she nodded and turned herself invisible. "good girl" pietro mumbled and took wandas arm, walking away from their sister and towards the ship.

before she could watch any further, what her siblings were about to do, evis eyes grew heavy and she fell unconscious again.

wise words from ELLIE !

you don't know what's about to happen, but i dooo! no lol but so much: i thought about this for some time and decided it would be a little more interesting (talking about the things that'll happen in the next chapter), i'm eager to see your opinion.

please if you've liked the chapter, leave a vote or comment. it would be much appreciated!


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